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zensky's avatar

When did vodka become the elixir of fashion?

Asked by zensky (13426points) December 10th, 2011

Fashion TV – come on… vodka is fermented spuds, elixir of the communists maybe, not the gods. Fashion? I’m thinking sacks, snow and women who resemble their husbands too much.

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16 Answers

zensky's avatar

Two words: potato spit.

Aethelflaed's avatar

….................. What inspired this question?

zensky's avatar

The Pirelli shoot is on Fashion TV – every second they promote their own vodka as the “elixir of fashion.” I know vodka. I know elixir. I know fashion. Whiskey, preferably the new Chivas 25 year old – that is a little more fashionable.

Aethelflaed's avatar

@zensky Then I’m going to say “since that vodka brand ponied up the advertising money”.

At least over here in the US, vodka isn’t just cheap swill the commies drink anymore. It’s in cosmos (Sex and the City), martinis (now vodka is the default, not gin), Appletinis (for the ladies and more metrosexual men), lemon drop martinis, pear martinis, mandarin orange martinis… I don’t know the exact date, but it’s been at least a decade now. And as someone who doesn’t agree with vodka (or rather, vodka doesn’t agree with me), I sometimes have trouble finding drinks if I’m not willing to pony up more money – especially if it’s fun cocktails for happy hour, and not just a boring rum & coke.

Earthgirl's avatar

zensky It’s all just typical marketing . When they give Grey Goose out free at fashion shows they are trying to enhance it’s cachet. Hey, to each his own. I prefer the icy blandness of Grey Goose to whiskey but I am certainly no liquor connoisseur. I have always hated whiskey since it was the first thing I ever got drunk on and it was not a pleasant experience. I got sick as a dog and cannot drink it since!

zensky's avatar

@Aethelflaed That was very informative. Here in the holy land, with the Russian invasion of 1.5 million of them over the last 20 years – vodka is sneered at – but drunk with red bull by the kids. It costs from about 1.5 dollars to maybe 10 bucks for the “good stuff”. Yes, I’ve seen ads for premium blends – does that mean they are triple distilled (read spat out three times)? Are they Idaho potatoes, as in, imported spuds to Russia which makes Stoli Premium so expensive? Sheesh – a circus quote comes to mind about fooling some of the people…

zensky's avatar

@Earthgirl I had that with Ouzo. I have nothing against it, per se, which would be silly. I just can’t drink it.

Aethelflaed's avatar

@zensky Duly noted; I’ll make sure never to bring you a liter of vodka as a present.

I think it started with Grey Goose in 1997, which is apparently made by Bicardi in France, with French winter wheat. They’re sort of the “gold standard” for really good, but readily available vodka. And as far as I can tell, it was designed specifically to bring vodka as a real choice to Americans. Stoli is sort of mid-grade here.

AmWiser's avatar

Alls I know is that i’s crazy about the flavored vodka’s. :D

Aethelflaed's avatar

Oh! Also, it’s gained more and more popularity for being virtually undetectable on your breath, so if you have a bit of a drinking problem, vodka’s your gal.

JLeslie's avatar

Vodka tastes like medicine. Blech.

I think Sex and the City gave it a big pop in sales when they were drinking Cosmopolitian Martinis all the time. There are martini bars in America and it is vodka martini not gin.

jonsblond's avatar

@AmWiser I had a terrible experience with hard alcohol in my late teens so I avoid the stuff now, but recently a friend of mine gave me a drink that was part pineapple juice and part cake flavored Vodka. omg. I felt young again. It was so tasty and would easily get me in trouble if I drank more than one glass of that stuff. Cake flavored alcohol should not be allowed! It’s just askin’ for trouble. lol

jazmina88's avatar

vodka has no stench, right??? I dont dig guys With nasty alcohol breaTH

AmWiser's avatar

@jonsblond LOL! You are so right. Most of the flavored vodka’s are delicious if prepared with coordinating juices or soda’s. And when prepared right, you would never know there is any vodka in it until later. ;-}

@jazmina88, yeah! vodka is the least detectable of alcohols, I think.:)

zensky's avatar

Gimme whisky or nothing. I think the Bob_ is with me on this.

It’s Roxanne by The Police live at the Whisky a go go in case you are skeptical.

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