Social Question

blueberry_kid's avatar

Why do babies kick their feet like maniacs?

Asked by blueberry_kid (5960points) December 11th, 2011

Every time I pick up my little baby cousin, his feet are kicking up and down and around. And it’s not just with me, it’s with everyone. And every baby!

My question is, why are they always kicking? When they sleep, why do they kick and move so much?

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8 Answers

Aster's avatar

God wants them to have strong leg muscles so they can walk?

JLeslie's avatar

They are exercising. Soon her will be wanting to crawl around and eventually stand up on those legs, if he does nothing with them the muscles will atrophy.

Seaofclouds's avatar

They do it because they are excited and happy. Body language is one way for babies to express themselves (in addition to laughing/crying).

As far as kicking and moving in their sleep, I think some of it is related to dreaming and the rest is just because they are trying to get comfortable. A lot of people move around quite a bit in their sleep.

john65pennington's avatar

For the same reason puppies like to jump on humans.

They are just babies.

Earthgirl's avatar

Hey, thanks for asking a question that made me learn something new. Look at this link on infant reflexes under Plantar Reflex. It’s interesting that the kicking aids neurological development and also aids the birth process!

Supacase's avatar

They are developing gross motor skills. They can’t do much more until they get a good handle on those.

rts486's avatar

I think it’s because it’s one of the few things they can do.

ratboy's avatar

They’re idiots.

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