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When is the right time to introduce your boyfriend?
So we’ve been together for 7 months now and he is very excited to meet my mother (she’s a single mom). The one thing that makes me nervous is the fact that my mom is (super) strict when it comes to men. While she trusts me, she still fears that I get pregnant before I finish college or something alone the lines of that fear. Realizing that this relationship has bloomed for the past few months, I would want to share it with my mom. But fearing her disapproval had made me decide to “wait” for the “seemingly” right time to do so.
So during winter break, he’s planning to come over, meet my mom and be introduced as a “suitor” who would be most happy to become my boyfriend someday—with her approval. What do you think? Any advice? I am so excited to make my mom a part of this too, I just fear that she might become much stricter that would hinder us to meet more often (as we are in a long distance relationship). Thank you. :)
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