General Question

talljasperman's avatar

Was Miles Bennett Dyson in Terminator 2 a terrorist or a hero?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) December 12th, 2011

Seeing he blew up Cyberdyne? Would he have been considered a terrorist or a hero by today’s standards?

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7 Answers

MrItty's avatar

According to the Terminator 2: 3D attraction at Universal Studios (a much better sequel to T2 than T3 actually was, fwiw), yes, he went down in history as a terrorist.

MrItty's avatar

Wait, I’m wrong. Like, 100% wrong. The attraction actually takes place in the “Miles Bennet Dyson Memorial Auditorium”, so I guess he was a hero. Maybe I was thinking of the Sarah Connor Chronicles?

YoBob's avatar

I really don’t think he was either. He was a victim of circumstance that did his best to do the right thing.

ragingloli's avatar

That depends on whether he was muslim or not.
Because somehow, the media reserves the word “terrorist” for muslims, while using “attacker” or “gunman” for non-muslims.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@MrItty I agree T2:3D was wayyyyyyyy better than T3. It was unforunately closed for repairs last time I was down in Universal.

filmfann's avatar

He was a hero who was remembered as a terrorist.

exactly the opposite of George Bush

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