Social Question

erichw1504's avatar

Hey, I may _____, but at least I _____.

Asked by erichw1504 (26453points) December 12th, 2011

What is something about you that has a counter-benefit?

Fill ‘em in! Be funny, be serious, be boring. They don’t have to be just one word.

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54 Answers

erichw1504's avatar

Hey, I may pick my nose all the time, but at least I wash my hands afterwards!

AshlynM's avatar

Hey, I may be dumb but at least I’m not an asshole.

CaptainHarley's avatar

Hey, I may have alzheimers, but at least I don’t have alzheimers! : )

erichw1504's avatar

Hey, I may smell like the very depths of hell itself, but at least I can make a mean guacamole.

JLeslie's avatar

This is for my husband:

Hey I may be bossy, but at least I am always right.

Keep_on_running's avatar

Hey, I may be obsessive compulsive, but at least my house is cleaner and more symmetrical than yours.

Judi's avatar

Hey, I may have a lot of typos, but at least I have my youth, no wait, my hearing….., no, my eyesig….. , At least I have a wealth of life experience to share.

Coloma's avatar

Hey, I may talk too much sometimes but at least nobody has to light a stick of dynamite under my ass to get more than a nod and a grunt outta me.

bkcunningham's avatar

Hey, I may not always finish what I start, but

ragingloli's avatar

I may not be a comedian, but at least I do not take my joke templates from 4chan.

erichw1504's avatar

Hey, I may have more lurve than you, but at least I don’t brag about it. Haha.

CWOTUS's avatar

Hey, I may be an asshole, but I’m not a COMPLETELY OVERBEARING ASSHOLE, if you can get that through your thick skull.

CWOTUS's avatar

Hey, I may not ask many questions, but at least I didn’t ask this one.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Hey, I may be bitchy, but at least I’m honest.

Judi's avatar

I may not have a lot of tact, but at least you know exactly where you stand.

Coloma's avatar

Hey, I may be very discriminating about the company I keep, but at least I have no assholes in my life. lol

erichw1504's avatar

Hey, I may watch a lot of movies, but at least I haven’t seen Super Baby Geniuses: Part 5.

elbanditoroso's avatar

He may be running for president as a republican, but at least I have my democratic honor.

Luiveton's avatar

Hey, I may be horny, but at least I have a sex drive. Has anyone noticed that most of my jokes include sex?

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

As I always say “Hey, I may be a bleeding heart liberal but at least I have a heart”

john65pennington's avatar

Hey, I may have bad breath, but at least I took a shower(and it didn’t help a bit).

Jude's avatar

Let’s do she (my partner in this case).

She may be dirty (messy/dirty house), but, at least I don’t get sick while there because of nature’s antibiotic.

CWOTUS's avatar

I may be an awful housekeeper, but at least I’m living in someone else’s house for now.

rebbel's avatar

“Hey, I may respond to your question, but I never let my I mays follow by buts…”

Facade's avatar

“Hey, I may be a Christian, but at least I’m not a Republican.”

CWOTUS's avatar

Okay. I may be godless, but at least I’m not a communist.

mazingerz88's avatar

Hey, I may not be good in bed but I’m a great liar.

erichw1504's avatar

Hey, I may have a small [REDACTED], but at least I know how to use it.

bongo's avatar

Hey, I may not be rich, but at least I’m sexy!

Luiveton's avatar

Hey, I may be failing, but at least I try.

MilkyWay's avatar

Hey, I may always eat like a pig, but at least I don’t steal food from your plate.
I hate it when people do that.

CWOTUS's avatar

Hey, I may be stealing food off your plate, but at least I’m not taking money out of your pocket.

bkcunningham's avatar

Hey, I may be taking money out of your pocket, but at least I left you some change.

CWOTUS's avatar

Hey, I might have only left you with some change, but at least I didn’t promise “Hope” into the theft.

rebbel's avatar

“Hey, I may be June, but at least I am not May.”

bkcunningham's avatar

Hey, I may not be May, but at least I am not April.

boxer3's avatar

Hey, I may by hypocritical, but at least I admit to it.

AmWiser's avatar

Hey, I may not be here, but at least I’m not wherever.

DaphneT's avatar

Hey, I may be, but at least I am.

john65pennington's avatar

2nd Answer…............

Hey, I may be a little slow, my Viagra hasn’t kicked in, yet.

blueberry_kid's avatar

Hey, I may laugh at random points for no reason, but at least I have some sense of humor.

blueberry_kid's avatar

Hey, I may fart a lot, but at least I can admit it.

tinyfaery's avatar

I may have a lot of cats, but at least I have a sex life.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I may be fat, but at least I not ugly.

jazmina88's avatar

Hey, I may be like Santa, but I aint no Ho Ho!

shego's avatar

Hey, I may be weird, but at least I’m not you.

ratboy's avatar

I may be fat, but at least I’m not rich.

mallei's avatar

I may come into work late, but at least I do a good job while I’m there.

CWOTUS's avatar

I may not do very good work, but at least I do a lot of it.

bkcunningham's avatar

Hey, I may do a lot of work, but at least I work in a pie factory.

Crashsequence2012's avatar

do a lot of bitching


blueberry_kid's avatar

Hey I may be awkward, but at least I don’t fart in public.

erichw1504's avatar

Hey, I may smell like a rotten artichoke, but at least I have a good time.

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