Social Question

What is the difference between caring a lot and loving a person?
I am frustrated because I don’t know what love truly is. I guess in my terms it is sacrificing yourself for someone’s safety, if they were to die you’d be really hurt, something along those lines.
But then again a lot of policemen, soldiers, and firefighters put their lives on line for the safety of other people. But that doesn’t mean they love that person right?
I question if I love my oldest sister because I don’t know her that well. All my life it’s as if we’ve been acquaintances and there’s not really a connection and it’s weird talking to her. I care for her safety, I don’t want her doing bad, but then again I don’t want anybody to do bad even if I’m not close to them….
I question if I love my current boyfriend because I don’t miss him like crazy like I did my ex when we’re apart, I don’t think about him like crazy like I did my ex, but with my ex I wasn’t happy. He didn’t make me happy. My current boyfriend makes me a lot happier and makes my life better so why is it hard for me to realize whether I love him or not? I don’t know why it was easy to realize I love my ex at that time when he hurt me, made me upset 85% of the time, and I was obsessed and craving for his attention because he didn’t give me any really.
I don’t think that if you love someone it necessarily means you’d do anything for them. Like this scene from “The Good Son” where the mother ends up having her son and her nephew hanging by a cliff and she has to make a decision. Her son tried to kill her and she didn’t want him to die and she let him go and saved her nephew. She loved her son and was deeply hurt and distraught at what she’d done.
Again, I honestly dont’ know if I would really die for anyone. I’m not saying that to be cold blooded but so many people say the things they mean and will do but when that time comes at that moment their actions don’t meet what they say. You never know how you’d feel/react until you are in that situation! I mean if you ask me would I die for someone I love I’d say yes but that means nothing until I actually take that action when that time comes.