@johnpowell I;m about like you. My state ID is still valid, but I don’t think it shows anything about my citizenship. I never provided proof of citizenship to get it.
@WestRiverrat I do have a barcode on the back of my license. Do the beat cops carry scanners that can read it? Also, since I never proved citizenship when getting my driver’s license years ago, how could the barcode prove citizenship? Maybe my state just doesn’t comply.
@Linda_Owl You are quite right about racial profiling being behind this. In a comical aside, Mercedes Benz agonized about building an assembly plant in Alabama because they felt the Confederate flag in the state’s emblem was a holdover of racial bigotry, and the Germans have seen all too vividly where such hate leads. Alabama’s legislature actually changed their flag to get Mercedes to choose them as a location for US manufacturing. After Alabama’s Measure 56 passed, a State Trooper arrested a German citizen for failure to show proper papers. Turns out he was a major Executive of the Mercedes Benz plant in Alabama. With much egg on their faces, the state released him with apologies. The German firm is now reviewing their decision to locate in Alabama given the state’s anti White Southern American bigotry.
@judochop I hear you. When the paranoid schizophrenics take over government, massive passive resistance can go a long way to restoring sanity.
@bkcunningham I would agree with @augustlan. Be very cautions about carrying anything that even ties in to your birth certificate. If you loose it or are robbed, Identity thieves can have a field day with the information it provides, and it will take a long and annoying fight to restore sanity to your life.
@laureth Wise move. That’s the best strategy. We just need to get past this fascist movement of Papers Please.
@tinyfaery Unless we see a sea change in the political landscape, it’s a safe bet California won’t pass such an insane law. We are seeing a sea change right now, but the tide is flowing swiftly in the opposite direction.
@JLeslie My last stint of international travel was in 1987. I still have that passport, but it’s buried down in tons of ancient papers. I was in California at that time, and I never had to show proof of citizenship to get my California Driver’s License. If I had stayed in Santa Barbara and kept just renewing that license, I could be from Krypton and my driver’s licencee would show no clue of my extraterrestrial origin.
@YARNLADY As a Conservative (as in wants all the governmental you can get for free) would you ne willing to pay what it costs to apprehend, try and deport 11 million people? I honestly doubt it.
@wonderingwhy The feds have no excuse, hey? They know how much it costs and how much staff it takes. Has it ever occurred to you that the very people demonizing this issue are the same ones that constantly under-fund the effort and ensure that there os not sufficient staff to do it? That accomplished two vital goals for the Con Men. They get more fodder for their claim that government can’t do anything and should be basically abolished, with the resulting tax savings flowing to the billionaires that fund them; and they keep a constant supply of sub-minimum-wage labor here for their corporate sponsors. Workers with no rights, no hope to organize, and no ability to ask for expensive workplace safety.
@JLeslie Bingo. See mu answer to @wonderingwhy above. Whenever both parties rail against some “problem” but noneffective do nothing about it for decades on end, you can bet some corporate lobbyist are paying for the status quo.
@wundayatta You nailed it. It’s a political demagoguery issue, not an existential threat to the USA. Immigration built the USA, and mostly at a time when it was unrestricted.
@rts486 Same here, except that it’s been so long since I used my passport that I’d have to dig through all our old papers archives to even find it.
@JLeslie That’s one of the more comical points. My wife came here from Thailand on a student visa. When she married me, she got a green card that shows she is a legal resident alien. She carries that with her. So she could show papers that I would have to take weeks to find.
@wundayatta Ditto. Trying to keep epedimics confined to artificial human-imposed borders has an abysmal success rate.
@Ron_C Very telling answer. Thanks.
@JLeslie It most definitely can happen here. And BTW, Hitler never won an election. He simply grabbed power through shrewd political maneuvering.
@Seek_Kolinahr I’m WASPy looking too. But should the fascist forces take over in America, lord help me if they look into my politics.
@sinscriven I would feel the same way.