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mazingerz88's avatar

A universe within a universe, is it scientifically possible?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29330points) December 13th, 2011

Watching this clip from Men in Black, can’t help but think, wouldn’t our universe quake and tumble inside that marble once it hits another marble? Thanks. : )

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6 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

That is the brane part of M-Theory, in which our universe is just one of countless branes floating around in an 11 dimensional hyperverse. In fact, a collision with another brane is speculated to be the cause of the big bang in our universe.

incendiary_dan's avatar

Last I heard, there’s direct evidence that our universe has “bruises” from hitting others, too.

Even having read a lot about physics, particularly the quantum stuff, my mind boggles. Don’t know if it’s plausible, but I wouldn’t be surprised.

flutherother's avatar

It may be scientifically possible but Universe means everything by definition.

Paradox25's avatar

No because I don’t buy Mtheory. Superimposition of nearly every possible scenerio is supposed to be impossible according to physics. It is possible there are other alternative realities around us but I don’t see these as other universes. It could be possible that another universe/s are expanding outside of our own though.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Fact from fiction, truth from diction. Anything is plausible if you believe the theory. What do we really know as humans? If the scientist are correct with how long life has been on this planet, it would be like a newborn next to an old growth redwood at least. All of what science has achieved to date in reality could be compared to one-half bar of music in Beethoven’s 5th. What seem impossible, or ridiculous might be commonplace; if man last that long. The only reason it seem farfetched now is that we don’t have the means to know it is true. If I were able to go back to the time of Caesar with the technology at my disposal today, and had a way to make it work, I would be a god. The means and materials to make plastic was there in Caesar’s time, same with electricity, microwaves, radio waves, etc, they just didn’t have the expertise or means to discover it and use it. Oil was there, even the means to make an A-bomb. Dimensional travel might be something man can harness in the future, it could be our electricity as today electricity was to Caesar.

Dimensions on top of dimensions, or even imbedded in dimensions could be plausible, and even happening as we speak, and we don’t know it because we have no way to detect it; yet…..

Shuttle128's avatar

Even if you don’t buy into M-Theory it is entirely possible to simulate another universe within our own universe. We have the resources to do this already with very simple universes. In the future we may have the resources to simulate fully a universe very much like our own within a computer. From the point of view of something within that simulated universe it would be just as plausible to simulate yet another universe within it.

Sure it is entirely scientifically possible to simulate a universe within our universe. The Strong Church-Turing thesis pretty much states that anything can be simulated on a computer. Some of the implications of this may even be that our universe is already a simulation.

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