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john65pennington's avatar

What's with my dog loving peanuts?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) December 13th, 2011

I love peanuts in the shell. My Great Pyreneese also loves peanuts in the shell. What is with this? I have had many dogs in my lifetime, but none that loved peanuts, like Maggie. Is this dog nuts? And, to top it all, she will crack open the shells and eat only the peanuts inside. We only buy the unsalted type of shelled peanuts, since salt is not good for dogs. She also loves bananas. Question: so, what gives with Maggie? She is nuts for peanuts! And, should we teach her to clean up her empty shell mess?

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4 Answers

CWOTUS's avatar

Willow will eat them as long as I toss them to her. She eats them shell and all, as I will too from time to time. She’s also quite fond of dry Cheerios.

blueiiznh's avatar

Peanuts are generally safe for the dog. Dog food manufacturers would not make peanut flavored treats if this human food would have dangerous effects to the dogs. Generally, nuts must not be given to dogs but peanut is really not a nut but a bean.
Good luck on the trick of her cleaning up the shells.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

My dogs loved peas. They’d chew up the pods to get them out.

elbanditoroso's avatar

He is realizing his identity as a canine. You could say that he is… coming out of his shell….

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