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mazingerz88's avatar

Given the chance, what fancy feature would you install on your bedroom ceiling?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29383points) December 13th, 2011

Would you go for retractable doors so you could look up the night sky? A see-through glass, the bottom of an aquarium so you could see fish swim?

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32 Answers

CWOTUS's avatar

Wall to wall HD television, I suppose, including highest-possible-speed Internet access, a thought-powered “keyboard” (should be a “wordboard” or the like, so I don’t have to think in terms of individual letters and symbols) and a thought-guided mouse. Price is no object, right?

mazingerz88's avatar

@CWOTUS No, price is no object.

blueiiznh's avatar

A Glass Ceiling that opens to the night sky.

HungryGuy's avatar

A winch so that I can suspend my slave upside down by her ankles.

Oh wait. I already have that :-p

john65pennington's avatar

A ceiling fan of which I already have. I need nothing else.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Skylights, definitely.

@HungryGuy egads, man.

talljasperman's avatar

Air Conditioning… and a portable interactive planetarium, with access to live streaming stargazing from anywhere in the planet ..and soundproofing to keep the neighbors yelling to the minimum.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@talljasperman on second thought, I’m moving in with you.

YoBob's avatar

Hmm… how about one of those spinning baskets rumored to abound in Asian houses of ill repute… ;)

deni's avatar

A hubble telescope.

stardust's avatar

Some tasteful skylights

mazingerz88's avatar

@YoBob googling spinning baskets…

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@mazingerz88 Also look for a movie called “The Basket Trick”

Jude's avatar

@HungryGuy Have you had anyone actually take part in your “contraptions” or are these just ideas (fantasies)?

HungryGuy's avatar

[Very NSFW] @Jude – I once wore someone as my Cum Sponge.

But can I help it if I have a wild imagination? :-p

mazingerz88's avatar

Ewwww! Cum sponge is nasteee…

ucme's avatar

A huge 3D photo of a distressed Ernest Borgnine, looking down on the sodden corpse of Shelley Winters.
Would give The Poseidon Adventure a whole new, well…..angle.

mazingerz88's avatar

@ucme Only you dude, only you would think of something like that. Lol. Ok, mine would be that inverted shot where people are hanging on tables riveted on the floor.

@Adirondackwannabe Oh wow, spinning baskets are awesome! Who knew? Well, @YoBob did. Hee hee.

ucme's avatar

@mazingerz88 With Lionel Richie singing his classic hit….you know, Dancing on the ceiling.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

1. Yes, a night view through a retractable ceiling that would expose scratch free, muck free glass.

2. A ceiling painted blue with silver stars, LED lights positioned as the constellations.

3. No LED lights- I’ll still go for a blue painted ceiling with silver stars with tiny mirrors in their centers.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Neizvestnaya Years ago I chanced upon an electronic store in a mall which offered to install LED lights on the ceiling or the walls according to the customers own specifications. Behind the store, they had a room set-up for you to see how it would look like in the dark. Now that was mesmerizing. : )

Neizvestnaya's avatar

A co worker of mine customizes his cars for show and installed an LED constellation on his headliner. It was really subtle and striking, so different than I imagined. He told me used magnifying visors to work on it and will never make another LED project.~

Berserker's avatar

A bomb door that dumped a whole bunch of pillows all over me whenever my alarm clock would go off.

blueiiznh's avatar

A bed equipped with a jet ejection and parachute like in jet fighters for those really “wanna get away moments”

Ela's avatar

I’d go with a glass ceiling. That would be wicked cool ; )

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