General Question

How does one convert Marijuana (Medical- read description please) to hash oil?
** Out of respect to my question please read the full description before responding- thanks! **
In my life I never imagined that I would walk down this path, yet here I am and I am grateful.
My mom has stage four mesothelioma. She was sent home in August “To be in hospice care and live her final days” according to medical doctors and staff.
I brought her to my home and, with a very positive environment, helped her be basically mobile again. After 10 weeks in my care she expressed a desire to return home. I was worried but helped her return.
Her physical state at that time was just above invalid. She is 5” 5” and had dropped to 90 pounds. She had no pain, I drained extra fluid off her lung every week through a catheter- about 800ml on average. She had oxygen to do any form of physical exercise.
We had tried Marinol and other appetite boosters. But she still lost weight. So I approached her, as a last ditch effort to keep her alive, about medical marijuana. She wants very much to live, so she agreed and I took her to a reputable doctor (head of the UCLA neurology department until he retired) and he agreed that she could benefit from taking medical marijuana and granted her the license to buy it.
That was four weeks ago.
Since taking the medical marijuana regularly (via capsule form) I am now consistently draining only 100ml of fluid off her lung every week compared to the 800ml before. She no longer requires any oxygen at all. She has more energy and NO- she is not stoned.
So now the medical marijuana dispensary near me has abruptly closed its doors. I hear this is common. But it leaves me in a huge quandary. My mom is leading a normal life again because of the capsules and now I can only get the raw materials.
Can Flutherites please tell me how to convert an ounce of medical marijuana to hash oil to put in capsules? I bought the empty gelatin capsules and the straight marijuana.
What she thrives on is two capsules of .7ml Hash oil in safflower oil. And again- she is not loaded or stoned. It allows her to totally function normally again despite the cancer. It is a blessing unlike any other I have seen. A miracle really. She is supposed to be dead yet she is doing better daily.
Please educate me on hash vs regular marijuana. Please tell me how to help my mom by producing what she needs.
Again please, if you are totally just posting to give a lame opinion with nothing to back it, please do not bother. If you have something positive to add please do even if it is only mildly on topic. I am in strange and unfamiliar territory here.

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