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janbb's avatar

Should I call off the search?

Asked by janbb (63337points) December 15th, 2011

I have the feeling I may have set our resident matchmaker off on a wild goose chase. Should I rein him in or let him work on it? Deliberately vague to fit with guidelines, but if you’re thinking about ice packs, you may be on the right track. This is Meta so take it where you will.

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45 Answers

wundayatta's avatar

I have no idea what this is about, so I am completely unbiased in my answer. I will say this: if you have a matchmaker, then you must have a fiddler. If you have fiddler, you must have a dreidl. Why you would want a dreidl on ice, I don’t know, but this is meta, so what the fuck!

Coloma's avatar

I cannot take it anywhere, I am completely baffled by your cryptic riddle. :-/
More clues please?
Who’s matchmaking who?

Is someone wanting to chase my geese?

Coloma's avatar

Chase my geese and I’ll break my own rule of not using firearms and fill your behind with rock salt Get along little doggie..

marinelife's avatar

Heck, no, what’s wrong with testing the waters?

janbb's avatar

I am getting wise counsel from an engineering friend about how to fill out spreadsheets to accomplish the goal of searching for companionship. This is all in good fun.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Who knows, you may get…Lucky…the matchmaker doesn’t have a sterling success rate that we’ve seen, yet but who knows? Wonderful things might be right around the corner!

Coloma's avatar


Get a hot tub with turbo jets. ;-)

janbb's avatar

@Coloma Great suggestion!!! I’m all over it.

wundayatta's avatar

Is there someone who knows the person for whom a match is sought who could describe the characteristics of a desirable match? I ask if there is someone because it goes without saying that people seeking a match generally have no clue what they really want. They will say all kinds of things, but when you compare what they say to what they end up with, there is often only the barest of relationships. However their friends or coworkers or parents actually probably know them better than they know themselves and so these folks can provide better advice for intrepid matchmakers.

I, personally, do not make matches, but I have, on occasion, been known to fill in a spreadsheet or two.

Jude's avatar

Who is getting setup (and with whom)?

Jude's avatar

PM me with the deets. :)

janbb's avatar

Me – but really just kidding. I am having far too much fun in my own bedroom with my new Google tv and stuffed penguin.

But if you’re availabe, Jude (wriggles eyebrows) I might make an exception!

Coloma's avatar


Here’s what’cha do. Get the hot tub for outside fun, get a shower massage for inside fun, go to a pleasure party and buy some fun “toys’, and then….TALK to new men and have sex with YOURSELF for awhile! lolol

wundayatta's avatar

God forbid one should actually have sex with someone one liked. :\

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Go on and get LUCKY!!! You know you want to; you’ve been spending far too much time with that stuffed penguin…

Coloma's avatar

@wundayatta That’s great too, but one needs to ease back into water after a near drowning. ;-)

wundayatta's avatar

@Coloma Should they? Ease back? Why?

I think relationships are always serious. I’m not sure I’d know how to play at it or not take it seriously. If I like someone I like them. If I love them, I love them. It’s real. If it’s real, I want to be with them. To like someone and then say no, I’m going home to my hot tub and to Leda (yes, I know she’s a swan, but it’s the principle that counts), just feels so wrong to me.

We’ve all been burned in relationships at one time or another, I’m sure. How do we respond? We can be once burned, twice shy, and I believe a lot of people respond that way. But that’s not me. I’m not saying I’m right or wrong; but for me, being in love is probably the most meaningful thing I can do in my life. So if something goes wrong, then I’m going back out there, looking for what I want and working it as best I know how. I’m not going to hold back. This is what my life is all about, and I’m not getting any younger.

Other people need other things in their lives, and maybe love isn’t as important to them as it is to me. So maybe holding back on the shore makes sense. But it’s not the only way. I’m diving back in as soon as I get my breath back. And it’s not really a matter of choice. If I hang around on the beach for very long, I’ll end up killing myself.

If you need to ease back, afterwards, that’s fine. It’s not necessarily the answer for everyone else, though. It is, I think, conventional wisdom, and I’m just taking this opportunity to say that I mistrust the conventional wisdom in this particular case.

Coloma's avatar


Each to his own, but, all the “experts” do not encourage rebound relationships. Nobody is ready to jump into something 2 weeks after their partner of 40 years moves out.

Hunting for new attention prematurely is not a good thing, it’s a sign of fear and neediness.

Much better to focus on ones mental, emotional and spiritual self for awhile.

Anyway, not to turn this into a debate on the health or morality of rebound relationships.

People will do whatever feels right to them.

wundayatta's avatar

True about doing what feels right. And we seem to keep running up against this same disagreement time after time, so I don’t expect that will change. And this is not the place to work on it, either, I guess. Not that it’s unrelated, though.

Blackberry's avatar

I don’t know what is happening.

janbb's avatar

@Blackberry I am kidding around about a Jelly’s suggestion to me for searching for a new guy.

wundayatta's avatar

Oh my goodness, @janbb! You’re a librarian! Half the men in a library carry secret torches for the librarian. Just open that librarian shield a tiny bit. You’ll have your pick of the crop!

LuckyGuy's avatar

Call off the search? Absolutely not! Everyone deserves to get lucky!

FutureMemory's avatar

What’s going on here!

janbb's avatar

Was that a pun, big (lucky) guy? You scared me off with the Venn diagrams and the spreadsheets.

janbb's avatar

@wundayatta Unfortunately, my clientale are mainly 18–22!

janbb's avatar

@FutureMemory Let’s just say that someone else we know is not in the running.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@LuckyGuy scared me at the party. I loved it, but it scared me. And I loved it…

zensky's avatar

:-) Lurve ya sexy Bubby.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

You never know… and since you’re not doing the legwork, see where it goes.

chyna's avatar

Oh my… romance is in the air. Let the match maker proceed.

janbb's avatar

No – not really; it’s all just joking around. Far too early for matchmaking.

Bellatrix's avatar

Damn, and I saw a really cute penguin the other day.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Looks like the algorithms are working. These guys are lining up to meet you.

linguaphile's avatar

Here’s something niii-iiice in a penquin suit…

janbb's avatar

@linguaphile I like the way your mind works!

@JilltheTooth Whoah!!!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I always liked getting lucky. Good for you.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Careful what you wish for…

Coloma's avatar

I’m with @JilltheTooth

Relationships are a LOT of work, jesus, in-joy yourself for awhile, adopt a goose or a cat. lol

zensky's avatar

Is in-joy the new enjoy?

You youngsters with your slang nowadays…

lillycoyote's avatar

I’m so with @zensky on this one, he posted that originally, and if you are matchmaking, then you have already gone and done it. Whether or not you should have been matchmaking in the first place, well, that is your problem. You have gotten yourself into this and will have to find your way out on your own, unless you are willing to provide more details.

Buttonstc's avatar

Well, if you have a possibility for some Happy Feet, I say go for it. Why not?

You never know what delightful folks you may meet.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Uh, @Coloma , I was referring to @janbb ‘s comment on my previous link, not giving some kind of cookie-cutter advice.

Coloma's avatar


Oh, well, lost in translation…, it was past my bedtime lol

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