General Question

MilkyWay's avatar

Can you create your own website without charge?

Asked by MilkyWay (13914points) December 15th, 2011

Is it possible? If so, how?

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12 Answers

poisonedantidote's avatar

It is possible yes, but I don’t recommend it.

When you make a website you first need a place to store the files, a server or hosting, this costs money. However, if you don’t want to spend money you can always turn your computer in to a server and store the files there.

When you make a website you also need a domain name, e.g. “” or some other name, this also costs money, but if you dont want to spend money you can always use a DNS domain that you create for free, but then your website address will be an ugly and hard to remember bunch of numbers.

When you make a website you need to hire a designer to make it for you, but, if you don’t want to spend money you can always do it your self by learning to code HTML and CSS, or if you have greater needs, learn PHP or other kinds of code.

So yes, you can make a website for free… if!!!… You are ok with having an ugly name that is hard to remember, combined with a slow and very limited connection speed.

I can go in to much more detail if need be, but I’ll leave it at this for now. If you have any more questions just ask and I’ll be glad to answer. Also, I can give you a much better answer if you define exactly what you mean with “own website”, because if all you want is a blog or something, there are a million and one places you can do that for free.

sinscriven's avatar

What do you intend to do with the website?
If it’s for personal use like blogging or sharing photos, you may not need a website of your own and can use blogging websites like blogger or Wordpress for free, or Flickr for sharing photos. If you’re thinking of small scale selling stuff, like selling homemade things, there’s always sites like Etsy.

If you’re looking for a domain name like “” then you will have to cough up some cash for that, and pay every year, and then pay a monthly or a yearly fee to a company that will host that for you.

Mariah's avatar

Generally you’d have to pay an annual or monthly cost for your own domain name, but I know there are sites like (not sure if that site in particular is still around, but there are probably other similar ones) that’ll let you make a free “website,” but it’ll be a subdomain of their site and I think they’ll put ads on your page.

digitalimpression's avatar

It is possible and I’ve done it, but it is an awful lot of work. I used Apache webserver software along with no-ip to get it done using my own home computer. It took a lot of reading, and a lot of configuring but it was very satisfying to complete.

Long term, I wouldn’t recommend it either due to security, etc. And again, that all depends on what you intend to use the site for. If you use it as I did (a limited basis used only by friends and family) then give it a shot! Sure! But if you intend on creating a business or having a site that collects a lot of web-traffic, you’d be better off having someone else in charge of the details and just focusing on the site itself.

the_overthinker's avatar

Yes it is. I made a website for my computer science class when I was a freshman. A whole website about myself, and things that relate to me…

I don’t remember how I did it though. So many of those weird computer codes, and also, the professor provided us with links to use for help.

JessK's avatar

Try if you don’t want to get into programming and all that. I’ve used it before and I like their interface and options.

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jrpowell's avatar

This isn’t free but it is very cheap.

I used them for a few years for a wordpress blog. It came out to about 50 cents a month. They are pay-as-you-go hosting. But once your site grows it can get expensive fast but by then you should know enough to switch to someone better.

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