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ragingloli's avatar

Did Fox "News" make a mistake, or was this intentional?

Asked by ragingloli (52358points) December 16th, 2011

As you are all already aware of, Fox “News” recently used Barack Obama’s Face instead of Mitt Romney’s, as you can see here

Was this a genuine mistake (which I doubt), or was this an intentional act to associate Romney and his political stance and history with that of Obama, to sabotage Romney’s candidacy (which I find more likely to be true)?

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18 Answers

robmandu's avatar

“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”
Hanlon’s Razor

YoBob's avatar

If it was an intentional “mistake”, I would suspect it aimed more at bolstering Gingrich’s chances rather than sabatoging Romneys.

Gingrich?!?!?!? What the F* is the GOP thinking?!?!?!?

ragingloli's avatar

I don’t think that rule can be applied to Fox “News”.

Qingu's avatar

Hm, I dunno.

I would agree with @robmandu, were it not for things like this

And this

And this

And this

Judi's avatar

@Qingu , that’s amazing. It makes me sad that their viewers buy tis crap.

tedd's avatar

fox news is a mistake

mazingerz88's avatar

Wow, really? Saw all the links including @Qingu‘s and…sheesh! This is what happens when you have a conniving saggy-faced Emperor ( Murdoch ) recruit a Dark Douche of the Sith, er, I mean Shit ( Ailes ) to head a powerful network ruling over gullible brain freezed droids.

King_Pariah's avatar

Once again I think it’s time for this party to die and come back anew. The right wing equivalent has tended always to be pretty good in its early years.

whitetigress's avatar

Intentional. Haha I’m wondering, 1. Where these people (behind the scenes of Fox “News”) grew up. 2. Why do they feel they have to trick their viewers. 3. Are there viewers just desperate to bash the Democratic party and not focus on real problems in society?

FutureMemory's avatar

We sure do live in strange times. Fox News, lol.

FutureMemory's avatar

Anyone else try to ‘play’ the video in @dappled_leaves link? :)

dappled_leaves's avatar

@FutureMemory Haha. Sorry, it’s a screen capture. :)

gondwanalon's avatar

That is too funny! It might be a Freudian slip! HA!

wundayatta's avatar

Does it matter? I half-heard something about Fox trying to pull back a bit, except that it seems the more extreme they are, the more money they make. What business man in his right mind would water down a product that he couldn’t keep on the shelves?

I have to say that Fox has no principles at all, if they no longer follow the principle of maximizing profit. They sure know how to appeal to the sucker market. The knuckledragger niche. The end of the gene pool so shallow, even a fetus wouldn’t drown in it.

filmfann's avatar

That’s Fox. I could have bought this being a stupid mistake the first 4 times, but no one is that stupid.

Crashsequence2012's avatar

Fox News, like everything man made, is imperfect.

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