Have you been listening to Gingrich and Romey?
I have heard them attack each other and Obama. I have not heard any real solutions out of their mouths. They sound like two egotistical clowns. Is this the best America can do? They are self serving egotistical men. They are tied to failed party rhetoric. That lacks compassion for most people.
The R wing clearly represents the 1% wealthiest and the anti research Reactionaries. They need to move to the center and comprehend the struggles of the Middle Class. None of them do because they lack common sense or any sense of empathy for less fortunate people.
Obama has not done enough to restore our Economy but the R Wing has blocked him and they share the blame. Under Clinton our Economy was great. Under Bush our jobs moved to China and other nations. All the Republicans are doing is blaming Obama but Bush and; all the Ultra Conservatives are equally Responsible. Congress is made up of self serving, lying, egotistical, immoral clowns and; that is what Gingrich and Romey are too.
Why isn’t there any moderate candidate?
I am an Independent and I clearly see the the rhetoric of the Democrats and Republicans is wrong for America. We should make all decisions based on documentation,common sense and what is best for most American’s. Not the one percent wealthiest,Illegal aliens or other nations. The Middle Class has always made American run.
Why can’t more people base their decisions on hard cold facts? If it were not so bad for America it would be funny. Why can’t American’s unite, compromise and find solutions?
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12 Answers
I don’t listen to the slinging of the campaigns, I like to reasearch what each canidate did in past offices and the things they stand for instead.
I attempt to do the same but the rhetoric and the BS is every place. My concern is that we are the Minority.
I have a problem with Romney leaning away from his liberal intentions. He was much more likable and electable when he trod the middle path.
Gingrich is now and has always been a liar who habitually slants and demolishes the truth. He is disgusting to watch and the more you learn about him the less you want him representing your country to the world.
@philosopher ”They sound like two egotistical clowns.” Ha!. There’s a simple reason for that. They both are.
I get a great laugh out of the two of them trading barbs about flip-flopping. Of course, they’re both absolutely right that the other is a notorious flip-flopper. I do have more respect for Romney than Gingrich on that score, though. Romnbey at least changes his views to try to appeal to the people he’s representing. Gingrich changes his based on who is the highest bidder.
@Ron_C This is what the race to the right has brought the Republican party to. There is no middle path. They eat their own now if they even hint at compromise or bipartisanship. They tried to ride the Tea Party tiger, and the tiger is now eating them.
McCain wasn’t amazing really but he was significantly better than these retards. Hell, he nearly got half of the popular vote whereas I can easily see all these candidates getting slaughtered in both the electoral and popular votes.
I was really expecting both of them to be smart enough to gang up and attack on Ron Paul more, as he is the biggest threat to each of them. Fine with me… Ron Paul only benefits from their bickering.
You can not, for the sake of your own sanity, rely on campaigning politicians for anything compromising and rational.
@ETpro @Ron_C
I am so glad to know you are both aware of the facts. It gives me hope that other Americans are aware.
I wish we had a moderate candidate running.
There is a Republican that leans towards the middle running. His name is Obama.
@johnpowell Right! Lol. I almost got to posting his name, only as a Democrat. : )
I had the same thought. I wish I could vote for Hillary or Bill again.
Obama is a nice well educated man but nice guys have trouble surviving. I use to be a nice some what naive young women. I learned in the school of hard knocks.
I No longer care what the Majority of people think of me. Obama still does not comprehend this.He he has tried to please everyone.
I please my family and friends. I am willing to compromise but I laugh at Con Artist to their face. I quickly become a blatant bitch if anyone tears to attempt to take advantage and; I laugh when people don’t like my reaction. I live like that old song Garden Party by Rich Nelson. You can’t please everyone so you have please yourself.
Sadly Obama has not been effective in fighting for the Middle Class. He has allowed the Elitist to continue to steal our wealth and sell it to other nations. Along with our jobs.
America has prospered because of the hard working Middle Class. Not because of the top one percent that inherit everything. We are clearly brighter and much harder working. This is why Clinton gets it. Bush is a worthless self absorbed piece of morales garbage.
I have family by marriage like the Bushes and they are worthless people. The majority accomplish little. Most marry people who achieve wealth on their own.
The R wing Politicians fool many people by Scape Goating some less fortunate segments of society. They blame Unions,special needs people, the elderly and anyone they can for their greed. They forced us to bail out Wall Street. Who bailed out the people who lost everything? I could write a book.
@philosopher Thanks. I also wish there were a rational alternative to just voting for Obama. In many ways, he’s left me with buyer’s remorse, although I do think he’s slowly coming up to speed at competing in the gamesmanship that currently substitutes for rational, patriotic service of our nation in Washington. Sadly, with what the Republican Party has become, they cannot offer any sane alternative. Any of their likely nominees would be disastrously destructive for the American Dream. And no sane, rational candidate could ever win a Republican primary with their current base.
A group of billionaires including the Koch Brothers, the Waltons, the Kays, the Murdochs and more in league with some CEOs of multinational mega-corporations have put up the billions to carefully develop a spirit of greed is good, and craft clever bumper sticker slogans over the years selling it as gospel truth and even as the true Christian values.
They seek one party rule by the Greedy Oligarch Party. But one party rule by Democrats would soon go awry as well. One party rule is never a good idea regardless of the good intentions of that party going in. And it’s a horrible curse when the party harbors evil intentions to begin with.
I hope a viable third party emerges, or the current GOP self destructs and something rational arises out of its ashes. What the current GOP calls conservatism is a travesty of true conservative values as defined in the dictionary. It is fascist in nature, mean spirited, and driven by unrestrained greed. The cabal I mentioned above has carefully nurtured that greed-driven ideology in the American right ever since Barry Goldwater got steamrollered by Lyndon Johnson. I vividly remember Johnson’s Daisy Ad in response to Goldwater’s statement that “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.”
In truth, extremism is incompatible with liberty. Authoritarianism and ideological purity are the enemies of liberty. If we let America get pulled into fascist, corporatist greed being its controlling idea, the America so many of us love and fought to preserve, the America so many died to keep free, will no longer be a free state. One only has to look at the vote rigging and vote suppression efforts afoot in the 16 states Republicans seized full control of in 2010 to know that today’s Republicans are not the champions of democracy.
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