Social Question

Blackberry's avatar

I don't know much about LGBTQ parenting, but I need some sources to debate someone. Can you help me out?

Asked by Blackberry (34375points) December 16th, 2011

Maybe this troll just pissed me off, or they’re being old-fashioned, but I was debating with someone who says children need a male and female figure in their life to grow up “normal” and have a good balance.

Obviously, I know this is not completely true, as there are many non-traditional parenting structures out there, but I don’t know where to start researching this.

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20 Answers

whitetigress's avatar

Google, “Same sex couples raising kids.” or “Successful same sex couples raising kids.”

I recently saw a video of a man that was raised by two lesbians. Here’s a really articulate “human being” video link

nikipedia's avatar

Can you get this person to make specific claims that are measurable? You can’t really do a study on whether these kids are “normal,” but you could do studies on whether they have higher rates of mental illness, lower grades, higher school dropout rates, commit more crimes, etc.

JilltheTooth's avatar

So I guess you and KatawaGrey aren’t on the “normal” scale, huh, @Blackberry… Go back at them all the different parenting things including single mothers and fathers…

Blackberry's avatar

These people are just trolls or stupid. I’m not wasting my time anymore, but geez was I pissed. Lol

Check out this gem: ”A girl raised by two men or a boy raised by two women won’t have a role model of the correct gender in the household to learn from. Also, such a child will grow up thinking that sexual depravity is fine. Same as a child raisd by two criminals: S/he will grow up thinking that crime is ok.

No desire to post any data or anything, people are just spouting this shit out.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Thinking you shouldn’t be playing in that neighborhood, @Blackberry ! You’ll get ulcers…

RedmannX5's avatar

Some people are amazingly ignorant in this world, and that’s just how it is. We all have to live with people who have different values and opinions than us. Not saying it’s easy, just a fact of life. I certainly think that everyone should stand up for what they believe in, but it’s the people who do this in a hostile and ignorant way that really upset me.

digitalimpression's avatar

I happen to believe that it is a healthier family relationship with a male and female parent (ones who are actually married would be great these days) in the house. I don’t promote my belief with hostility but it is a pretty strong belief. Call it what you will.

I don’t debate about it anymore because people who believe differently than I do are so fundamentally different that no progress is ever made.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@digitalimpression : Your still new enough that you don’t know KatawaGrey. That’s a shame.

DominicX's avatar

@Blackberry Yeah, “sexual depravity” is usually a keyword indicating that even if they’re trying to make a “scientific” argument, there’s still a religious God-hates-fags twist to it.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Dan Savage has a recurring feature called “Every Child Deserves a Mother and a Father.” While the feature focuses on child abuse committed by those in heterosexual relationships, the underlying point is that the sexual identity of one’s parents is quite irrelevant. What matters is being raised by people who are loving, devoted, and capable of being fit parents.

Forcing two heterosexual people to get married and raise their biological children does not automatically yield positive results, and allowing two homosexual people to get married and raise their adopted or biological children does not automatically yield negative results. Just because someone is different does not meant they are incapable of feeling the same joy as anyone else or of giving the same love to their families.

Love is love.

digitalimpression's avatar

@JilltheTooth Actually, I’m not new.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Oh, well, OK.

whitetigress's avatar

@digitalimpression A healthy family relationship logically speaking has nothing to do with the orientation of the sex. Gender roles is so 1900’s and whatever came before that.

Leadership, respect, love, responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, honesty, sharing, patience, and etc. are some highly touted virtues unique to our society structure. And it has nothing to do with gender recognition. I challenge you to open your mind, I too come from a Christian background, although I love the the word of God we shouldn’t limit ourselves to the understandings of only the past. I love my God because he gave me the courage to stand up and challenge the church’s popular belief, just as Christ himself did himself.

digitalimpression's avatar

@whitetigress As I already mentioned, I’m not interested in a debate on the subject as its clear to me that it would be fruitless. I disagree. Let’s leave it at that shall we? :)

whitetigress's avatar

@digitalimpression You are interested in a debate if you have such a set opinion. It’s like saying, “I believe black is darkest of the visual spectrum,” yet you do not understand it is not a color at all, it’s the absence of. Much like your opinion to this answer, your answer is pertaining to your own beliefs correct? When it answers nothing about the original post, the original question. Therefore, I believe you were looking for a debate.

I’m not saying I hate your post or views, it’s just what I observed.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@digitalimpression : If you’re not new here, then you should understand that coming onto a thread and making a point of saying that you disagree with a premise but don’t want to discuss it is going to get challenged. If you don’t want to discuss it, why post at all?

nikipedia's avatar

@digitalimpression it’s up to you to debate or not, but don’t announce your opinion in a public forum and then tell everyone else they’re not allowed to do the same. Especially when your opinion is bigoted and uninformed.

digitalimpression's avatar

@whitetigress I don’t know how to make it any plainer. I’m not.

@JilltheTooth Freedom of speech? Is there a rule that says I must?

@nikipedia I will continue to announce my opinion. I didn’t tell anyone else not to. For example, your unnecessary insults… you’re free to express them too.

@OP I apologize that everyone is attacking me instead of helping you out. I’ll bow out now and hopefully someone will provide you with the information you are looking for.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Oh, please, @digitalimpression , my comment was fairly light, and has nothing to do with freedom of speech, I was just asking why, if you are so familiar with Fluther, you post a comment like that? Did you really expect it to be left alone? Now you’re apologetic to the OP and saying you’re being attacked? Such a kerfuffle. Geez

SavoirFaire's avatar

“Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.”
—John F. Kennedy

We’ve had this conversation before, @digitalimpression: this is a discussion site, so put up or shut up. If you can quantify “healthier” and give some actual evidence for your view, do it. Otherwise, keep your bigotry to yourself. And you’re not fooling anyone with your pseudo-apology to @Blackberry. If you knew him at all well, you’d know that he’d want us all to press you on this topic.

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