Meta Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Well, could you be bothered to say something nice that would make ALL jellies feel cheerfully warm and aglow as a collective?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29345points) December 16th, 2011

Please, no yes or no answers. Lol. : )

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46 Answers

whitetigress's avatar


mazingerz88's avatar

If today’s societies undergo some Flutherification, the world would be a better place. : )

LuckyGuy's avatar

I am always amazed at how many truly nice, caring people there are here. Is it because of the mods or is the site oozing some happy chemical though our keyboards?.

(In case anyone decides to throw me an insult to prove me wrong, I say: “Thank you! You proved me right. Merry Christmas.”)

GracieT's avatar

Why @LuckyGuy, I never knew you cared! I think that it is because of how jellys as a rule are intelligent, caring people that are not out to prove how wonderful they are at the expense of all the people surrounding them. I don’t think that we treat the site as a big popularity contest. (Happy Holidays, everyone!)

mazingerz88's avatar

@GracieT All you need to do is look at how much lurve @LuckyGuy formerly known as @Worriedguy for you to know how much he cares. : )

Berserker's avatar

Peace in the streets, brothers and sisters!

mazingerz88's avatar

@Symbeline Just to clarify, streets devoid of walking pesky zombies right? Lol. Otherwise, fuck peace, I’m shotgun, machete sheathed on my back ready! : )

Uhmm, did I mention I do have a miniature chain-saw hidden in my boots as back-up?

Berserker's avatar

Yeah. No zombies in these streets, but if there were, we’d just have to lay down some peace. (and pieces XD)

harple's avatar

On the first day of fluther my true lurve gave to me… a rembrandt award for my pic
On the second day of fluther my true lurve gave to me… a jelly helper prize, and a ^^^^
On the third day of fluther my true lurve gave to me… one sardine, ^^^^ and a ^^^^
On the fourth day of fluther my true lurve gave to me… jelly asker status ^^, ^^^^ and a ^^^^
On the fifth day of fluther my true lurve gave to me…. a Herman Melville badge! (geddit, geddit?!?!)....
Jelly asker status, one sardine, a jelly helper prize and a rembrandt award for my pic :-D

Happy holidays y’all ;-)

Blackberry's avatar

I want to have sexual intercourse with all of you. ; )

mazingerz88's avatar

Ooooo, I feel so warm and aglow right now. Lol. ( but wait, the gums on that link look a bit too fresh for my taste…)

Stinley's avatar

Mincepie anyone? I’ve got a dozen waiting for y’all to pop over

zensky's avatar

Present and accounted for.

And I’ll have a slice of what ^ he’s having, thanks.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Such a lurvely bunch of people!! I’ve got jumbo double chocolate cookies for you all!

geeky_mama's avatar

After you pop by @Stinley‘s for mincepie and have a cookie at @WillWorkForChocolate stop by here and I will make you all Pomander Balls—I have 5lbs of whole cloves at the ready! :)

marinelife's avatar

I’d like to wrap you all in my tentacles and give you a big hug (and you know I don’t like hugging usually)!

laureth's avatar

You guys are like family to me. Each and every one of you.

Blondesjon's avatar


Blackberry's avatar

@laureth Can I borrow some of your DVDs, then? I promise I’ll give them back….

zensky's avatar

No-one ever returns anything.

King_Pariah's avatar

I’d make sweet love to you all, or a wild screw. Except you, ya you with that thing

CWOTUS's avatar

I’m leaving now.

FutureMemory's avatar

I love this place. Some of the best people I’ve ever ‘met’ have come from Fluther.

Thank you all.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

You know that warm feeling you get when you scratch your genitals? That’s how I feel every time I come to this site.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Michael_Huntington Now when you scratch your genitals, do they glow as well too? : )

XOIIO's avatar

Mine do

You’ll have to come over to find out ;)


Bellatrix's avatar

Fluther reminds me that there is good in the world. That there are people who care. That even on my worst day, there is someone going through worse. That a bunch of people I will probably never meet in a face-to-face way, can make me smile, laugh, cry and wonder and learn about the world. Thank you jellies. You are all, each and every one of you, amazing.

Sunny2's avatar

I’m feeling all warm and fuzzy. Imagine I’m baking coolies for y’all. The aroma is gingery and peachy. When they come out of the oven you’ll have to wait until they’re cool enough to eat. But when you sink your teeth into the soft on the inside with crispy edges not-too-sweetness, it will be worth it.
Served with thanks for all your comments and the opportunity to voice my opinions too.

ucme's avatar

All? Fuck that!
To those “good folks” I say this, campfire.

Sunny2's avatar

@ucme Campfire is great. But it’s so cold right now that I’ll wait a bit for that.

augustlan's avatar

I lurve you guys. <3

MilkyWay's avatar

I Love You ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kardamom's avatar

I’m sending you all a virtual bunch of These Guys

Berserker's avatar

@Kardamom Ha, cool. I always thought it would be cool to have gingerbread men with jam fillings. So it would look like blood and guts when you bit into them. :D

Kardamom's avatar

@Symbeline LOL! That would be awesome!

erichw1504's avatar

Umm… merry to all and to all a happy Christmas yuletide time in a chestnut roasting fire. Hanukkah.

CWOTUS's avatar

Here’s the best answer yet: Jeruba is back!

smilingheart1's avatar

Would it start a row if I said “God bless us, everyone.” (thought so.)

MilkyWay's avatar

@linguaphile Nom nom nom. Thanks :D

cookieman's avatar

I’d like to give you all a simultaneous pancake. Big stack.

cookieman's avatar

Same difference @WWfC. ;^)

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Then could I get a multiple stack please?

cookieman's avatar

Sure thing.

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