(NSFW) How common would you judge the practice of anal sex between heterosexual couples? And how enjoyable is it to the female....of all ages.
Asked by
plethora (
December 17th, 2011
Simple question of little depth, but which I always seem to wonder about. Just looking for your opinion and/or any thoughts you might have on it, here on this late Saturday night.
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34 Answers
I am not sure about every other woman, but I’ve had times when I enjoyed it and times when I didn’t. I find that in my experience, assuming the people involved are legally allowed to have sex, it depends more on the mood, the two people involved, and how ready those two people are for anal sex. It’s not for everyone.
I think it’s quite common. And quite enjoyable.
@plethora In my personal experience, about half the ladies I spent any significant time with liked it if they got off either later, or especially with clitoral stimulation during the act. About 25% specifically asked for it, and knew exactly how they wanted it done.
The truth is, if the active partner (male of female with strap-on) knows what they are doing, most recipient will get off powerfully on it, so long as their inhibitions don’t interfere.
Please tell me if I’m wrong, but are you making an attempt to justify the naturality of penis on vagina/man on woman sex?!
Tried it once but didn’t enjoy it. With no natural lubrication, it was not comfortable.
@Blackberry I’m not making an attempt to do so. I thought it was pretty well accepted as natural. Just wondering to what extent it is practiced.
@Sunny2 Natural lubrication never works. Always use copious amounts of lube in a bottle.
@plethora Natural lubrication works beautifully if you are willing to rim her enough to apply it.
I think it’s quite common for a straight couple to try anal sex but I’m not sure how many couples regularly do it. My boyfriend and I have tried on several occassions but I can’t get past the pain barrier for it to work properly/be enjoyable.
No bueno here. I’ve done it in the past with a couple of partners but my girlfriend now is totally against it because of the pain involved. I’m ok without it. I don’t knowthat if post anal sex I was like, hell yeah….. Whew.
I don’t know how common it is, and my partner and I don’t exactly count as a heterosexual couple (except in biological anatomy) but I have to say, that even though I don’t have a prostate, the most intense orgasm I ever had was from anal sex.
Also don’t try “natural lubrication”. You need lube.
The magazine Slate had a long article about this a few months ago – find it. It essentially said that in their research, many women preferred anal sex because it gave them much stronger orgasms.
Here’s a link to the article:http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/human_nature/2010/10/the_riddle_of_the_sphincter.html
I don’t know the precise percentages, but I do know that lots women love it, even though there are women who hate it. Now, I suspect my observations are skewed in favor of women who love it due to the types of women who write to me (I’m an erotic/horror writer for those of you who don’t know).
And as @downtide said, you need to use lube, and lots of it.
Of the women I’ve known personally and where it’s been a topic of conversation, only two said they’d enjoyed it though neither of them were able to have any orgasm by it. I’m not against it but it hasn’t been of interest to me. Seemed like an awful lot of prep and fuss for a ton of pain, discomfort, awkwardness and guarantee of “getting out of the mood”. I’m a multi-orgasmic female so I am comfortable with my trusty well working va jay jay.
@Neizvestnaya LOL, I can relate. I’ve ‘tried’ it in the sense that I started, and then it was kind of painful so we stopped. I much prefer the vajay. Sometimes, I feel like doing it just for fun.. but it never actually enters fully without causing a lot of pain.
@elbanditoroso I don’t think it’s possible for a female to orgasm with anal.. only males… and the G-spot is in the vagina.
Oh ya, and on that note.. how come men are soooo sensitive about having anything shoved up THEIR bum when really they might be able to get an orgasm equivalent to the G-spot because the prostate is up there.
@thesparrow All I can tell you is that the woman who introduced me to it had orgasms like you wouldnt believe. My understanding is that the orgasm was vaginal, but the filling from the rear made it a whole lot better. Not for everyone though.
I would assume it’s only common for those who enjoy it, and none of my girlfriends enjoy it. Personally? I’m built like a 10 year old. FUCKING OUCH! Keep your giant pecker away from my butt!!!!! Now… one or two fingers in the butt is perfectly fine and HAS actually caused me to climax.
I like the word “fuck”. It can be used in so many different ways! :P
Hehe, a “plethora”, hehe.
There’s another angle to this question. Males have a prostate that can, when stimulated, lead to a spontaneous ejaculation. Some couples use a strap-on on the female, and combine anal/prostate stimulation, penetration and hand masturbation of the guy. The results can be mind blowing. And if the woman chooses the strap-on wisely, clitoral stimulation from it can put her in sexual nirvana as well.
@ETpro I wouldn’t mind, honestly, doing this on my BF. Why is it that I cannot try to give him an orgasm? Why do I always have to be on the receiving end?
I want to add, for the females who say they don’t like it, you need lube, you need foreplay and you need to relax (really force yourself to relax) and then it’s incredible.
^^ Tried all that. I seriously have a very tiny anus. Nothing that big is ever going to fit, no matter how much lube I use or how much I relax. Foreplay with one or two fingers is like anal sex for me.
@jca Been there, done that, I totally agree.,
@WillWorkForChocolate We’re each unique. But as far as size goes, unless you are talking about somebody hung like NSFW this guy, (which is likely a Photoshopped image given the hand placement) something as big as a typical male penis comes out of that hole just about every day. It’s all a matter of knowing how to accommodate it. Your body is preprogrammed to allow things to flow out. It has to be taught how to allow the reverse.
@ETpro I’ll have to disagree on that one. My “bits” are roughly the size of a ten year old’s. My bowel movements are very small. Even having normal intercourse is difficult sometimes because I’m so small. I know that’s TMI, but it really pisses me off when people assume that any woman can fit a penis in her ass if she does it right. I can’t. I’m physically too small and I would tear.
@WillWorkForChocolate Sorry. I did say we are all unique. Looks like I should have paid more attention to my own beliefs. :-)
If it don’t feel good, don’t do it.
@ETpro To be honest, I don’t think I’d go there :S
@ETpro If that was an Asian, that MUST have been photoshopped..
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