Do you bolt, warn, or hope they're deep sleepers? (A question about flatulance and intimate nights.)
We’ve all been in that situation. It looks like you’re going to score a hottie, but your guts are acting up! When you seal the deal but know you’ll probably be farting in your sleep, do you pull yourself away and drive home after, warn them that you might be sleep-farting (slarting?), or simply count on your body to come through and try to tire them out so they sleep through it? This could make or break the memory of a great night or the start of a relationship!
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11 Answers
slarting, love it….you know, I don’t really know…I generally don’t care about those kinds of things…and I’m pretty sure they won’t either, after a night with me :)~
My wife is deaf, and has no sense of smell. If the vibrations don’t tell her, she doesn’t know.
Back in the day, when I was dating, I was more worried about my occasionally having restless leg syndrome, and kicking someone by accident.
I’ve never spent the night with a boyfriend and I’m, in a way, afraid to. I don’t care if a guy farts in his sleep (even if I end up teasing him about it), but I care if I do.
Hope they’re deep sleepers.
@Ayesha Nice. That shows heart. I could fall in love with a woman like that.
Sooner or later we all do it. Let your farts be free. Her reaction will tell you a lot about her. Just don’t go down the Dutch oven road…really… don’t. Hopefully she will laugh or beat you with a pillow and that will be the opening for a great pillow fight.
@Bellatrix I probably shouldn’t ask, but what is the “dutch oven road”?
@Bellatrix I’m “her” in this situation. Have you thought I’m a dude this whole time??
With my BF it’s no problem, I just ate super bland food the day of our first date, and warned him soon after and he’s a gem. It’s just the one-night stands that you don’t really plan for that get tricky.
@Sliceswiththings… I think I have. :-) Sorry. My husband swears I was the first to fart in our relationship, I do not think that is true.
@Adirondackwannabe, a Dutch oven is when someone pulls the bed covers over their sleeping or unaware partner to trap them in the now enclosed space and then farts. Thereby forcing their partner to breath in the odorous gas. When enacted, the trapper usually thinks this is hilariously funny while the trappee does not.
I change position, slide to the side of the bed and quietly vent. Sometimes I will get out of bed and brush my teeth. I never intentionally bother my partner with bodily functions.
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