Social Question

Can Global Warming Deniers Ignore this?
As this article shows the permafrost is melting in Alaska and around the Northern Hemisphere. Scientists have detected a large plume of methane released from the warming Alaskan permafrost. There are millions of gigatons of methane locked in permafrost and methane clathrates frozen at the bottom of cold oceans around the world. The gas is extremely flammable, poisonous in high concentrations when breathed by human and animal life, and 20 times as powerful a greenhouse gas as the CO2 that’s been driving up global temperatures since coal and then oil began to drive the industrial age.
Are the vast majority the world’s scientists, governments and ,IPCC members really involved in a vast worldwide conspiracy to harm their own economic interests by paying to put people to work curing a global warming problem they know is a hoax? Or, is it even remotely possible that the right-wing leaders who are heavily funded by the $37 trillion per year Fossil Fuel industry are the ones doing the lying and spreading deliberate disinformation to protect their profits—just like the Big Tobacco industry did in the recent past?
Do global warming deniers find it at all strange that the same PR firms and junk science institutes that led the fight to “prove” nicotine is not addictive and tobacco smoke does not cause health problems are now working to “prove” man-made CO2 isn’t causing global warming?