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Pandora's avatar

Is this the worst year for dictators / tyrants?

Asked by Pandora (32595points) December 18th, 2011

Wow, 2011 has been surprising all the way. Castro, Bin Laden ,Omar Kadafi and now Kim Jung IL.
I’m sure there are more that need to go but I can’t think of any as large as these guy.
Am I missing any others?
Does it really matter they are gone or are their just junior tyrants in the wind looking to step in?
Can anyone name any others? I’m drawing a blank.

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11 Answers

jrpowell's avatar

Don’t fuck with Obama

iphigeneia's avatar

There’s still Mugabe, and Kim Jong Un will probably want to prove himself to be a worthy successor, so the situation in North Korea is very unpredictable at the moment.

It’s been a pretty big year though, and the world will definitely be keeping an eye on Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and other places where there has been massive political change. I think this year marks the start of some definite progress for these countries.

filmfann's avatar

I hadn’t heard about Kim till this question! Hot damn!
btw, that’s Moammar.
I am smiling ear to ear!

To answer the question, I would hesitate to say yes, but remember Hitler and Mussilini died in the same week.

Pandora's avatar

@iphigeneia Yeah, I’m hoping Un thinks of this as an opportunity to mend some fences. Not the physical types.

Pandora's avatar

@filmfann, I never could get his first name right. LOL I thought have of his relatives where named Omar.
I’m glad this made your day. It did mine as well till I realized he did leave a possible Mini Mi.

harple's avatar

Just had to share this… contains swearing though, please beware!

elbanditoroso's avatar

In what way will Obama be blamed for Kim Jung Il’s death?

WestRiverrat's avatar

1945 wasn’t that good for dictators either.

marinelife's avatar

No, it’s not the worst year. There were lots of dictators in the past.

TheIntern55's avatar

The worst year for dictators, yes. For most everyone in the world who hates dictators and wants the world to be a happy place, this has been a good year.
Only thing is, Kim died of a heart attack. It’s not like his people overthrew him or the U.S stepped in and kicked his ass. He was just old.
Actually, this makes it even more dangerous for South Korea, because who knows what his son will do. He could have a whole stockpile of nukes made.

WestRiverrat's avatar

New North Korean leaders have a habit of shooting something up to prove to the military that they are capable of leading the country in war. They will either sink a South Korean warship, seize a bunch of fishing boats, or shell an island that is controlled by SK and claimed by NK.

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