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Leg of lamb meal advice?

Asked by wundayatta (58741points) December 19th, 2011

So I’ve decided to have leg of lamb for Christmas dinner. There might be 11 or 12 people, or maybe only 9, I think. I have some ideas, and would love to hear suggestions, and I have some more specific questions.

With the lamb, I’m wondering which half of the leg I should use. I don’t think I need the whole leg, so maybe the upper half? I don’t think I want to do much other than to roast it in garlic and rosemary. But if you have some other idea about that, please share.

I know for sure I want to have pan-roasted fingerling potatoes. I love the texture of those potatoes and they go well with lamb gravy.

I also want some kind of mint sauce—maybe a fresh mint infused with rasberry vinegar?

So what else? I have this idea of a kind of latke made of celeriac, and a sweet potato (I have orange, purple and white available). But then, that’s a lot of last minute frying work. For some reason the idea of spanakopita came to mind—some kind of spinach and dough thing—quiche-like? But isn’t spanakopita a huge labor drain?

Do you have vegetable suggestions? This is a family that is not into nightshades or much cruciferous stuff.

Go wild, jellies!

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