Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

NSFW - What is your opinion on people who enjoy these dolls?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29382points) December 19th, 2011

Here is the link. : )

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53 Answers

FutureMemory's avatar

Honestly I think they’re pretty pathetic.

digitalimpression's avatar

That S*%$ is creepy!

Blueroses's avatar

Uncanny valley.

Slightly less frightening than the reborn babies. After looking at those, I want to sleep with the lights on.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I think they’re kind of fascinating.

I can’t decide how I feel about people who purchase them and.. interact… with them, but the dolls themselves are works of art. I’ve actually spent a reasonable amount of time in the past looking through the site and all of the photos. It’s interesting.

At the same time, the reborn dolls scare the hell out of me.

TexasDude's avatar

None of my business. Adults should be able to fuck who or what they want as long as everything consents. In this case, It’s a fancy, expensive doll, so consent isn’t really an issue, so who am I to judge?

Bellatrix's avatar

There was a documentary on about these dolls a while ago. Not my thing but I guess if you are lonely and one of these dolls helps…

FutureMemory's avatar

@mazingerz88 Are you enjoying yours, Maz?

ratboy's avatar

I think we are the luckiest people in the world!

AnonymousWoman's avatar

I’d rather they have sex with those dolls than rape people. I’m not saying they would be rapists if they didn’t have the dolls, but hey, out of those two options, which one would you rather they pick?

As for how I feel about them, it’s not really any of my business… and well, I’d rather not know…

Maybe I have an attitude problem and I should be more open-minded. Yeah, that’s most likely it.

mazingerz88's avatar

@FutureMemory It’s 6K each! I’ll stick mine in, err—I mean I’ll stick with a Fluther mug. : )

@ANef_is_Enuf I agree. They’re very fascinating. : )

judochop's avatar

I think they are a little creepy but I tend to like creepy sometimes.
I want to watch someone have sex with one but not in private, more of like a dinner theater setting.
Would I ever….Never sober and probably not drunk but…It depends on which head gets to use the brain that night. cough cough, mostly joking here folks, duntduntdunnnnn

mazingerz88's avatar

I’m sure most people would think people who use love dolls have lots of issues. I think it takes a lot of imagination. Love androids next?

Blueroses's avatar

I remember seeing that documentary @Bellatrix

There was one man who treated his doll as a real girlfriend. Seating her by the window and at the dinner table, brushing her hair and buying her fashionable clothes and jewelry.

Then he carried her to the bed and tenderly…


That was creepy.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Okay, that is creepy.

Bellatrix's avatar

That’s the one! I woke up to find my husband watching it… I think it was like one of those things you just can’t look away from. I suppose it beats a blow-up doll. They are horrendously expensive though as has been pointed out. I would think a real woman would actually work out a lot cheaper.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Not my cup of tea, but no worse than a whole lot of fetishes that I don’t care for either.

My view on sex and sexual practices: it’s a private thing to the person/person’s involved. If they want a rubber doll, or a whip, or whipped cream :-) it’s none of my business.

So I won’t cast aspersions on a person who decides that these are for him (or her). Simply not any of my concern.

TO the asker: Why are you so worried?

Pandora's avatar

1 and 12 look like vampires. No.5 reminds me or Morgan Fairchild.
But different strokes to different folks. I just think its sad that some people can relate to real women and have to resort to dolls.

Blackberry's avatar

Going to a bar and trying to get a woman to come home with you takes more work, so….......:P

nikipedia's avatar

I don’t see how it’s any creepier or more pathetic than masturbating.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I am fascinated by the people who choose to spend their lives with these dolls rather than another human being. I assume that they have tried to find that right person for them but have had no luck and these are their subsitute (a bit like the women that can’t have kids so decide a monkey is a good idea, I recently saw a documentary on “monkey mothers” and that was creepy enough!). I also assume that these people are incredibly lonely but, of course, I could be wrong.

Those lifelike baby dolls are horrible.

filmfann's avatar

I don’t want to judge other people.
I also don’t see how to order one with a fluffy tail.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Personally, I just think it’s creepy. I mean, to each his own I guess, but eewww.

ragingloli's avatar

no worse than taxidermied animals or hunting trophies

rebbel's avatar

They all look as if they are surprised to see me.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I think Real Dolls are fascinating if that’s what your link is about, it’s blocked from my computer. I am intrigued by the possibilities of customization and as a hobby would love to have a stable of these and a suite of rooms to run a webcam dealie with people interacting with the dolls. Throw me in the camp view of @judochop.

mazingerz88's avatar

I think more guys would probably pick one of these dolls as companion if stranded on an island ala Tom Hanks in Castaway, over Wilson, the soccer ball dude with the troll-like hair.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@mazingerz88: I’m a female and I’d want one of those dolls over Wilson too.~

mazingerz88's avatar

@Neizvestnaya I’ll take two. : )

Blueroses's avatar

@mazingerz88 You don’t need two whole dolls. They have detachable faces. Philandering made simple.

ragingloli's avatar

a propos dolls, i just ordered one of these

(they also make these, maybe I will get one of these next ^__^)

HungryGuy's avatar

Combine one of those sex dolls with something like this, and this, and this, and this, and this.

ratboy's avatar

@ragingloli: there is no shame in sexual deviance, but take care to practice safe sex with that one—a mistake could put you in the hospital for life.

ragingloli's avatar

Actually it could completely obliterate me.
The arms? Light Machine guns.
The big snout cylinder? A grenade launcher. Can be replaced with a chain gun.

judochop's avatar

@HungryGuy holy crap at the acapela text to speech. I can think of several jokes with this.

HungryGuy's avatar

@judochop – As soon as some venture capitalist puts all these pieces together (as you can see, we have the technology right now), we’ll have first generation robots. For sure, only the very rich will be able to afford them, and they can’t really do chores for us and obey us like movie robots. Think of these first robots as the robotic equivalent of the Altair 8080 or Apple 2 computer.

mazingerz88's avatar

@ragingloli Any Motoko Kusinagi dolls yet? Hmm, wait a minute. That made me realize the company which makes these 6K love toys might one day accept orders for sexy vampire dolls. And if they partner with the right tech co., they might even offer dolls with varying moaning sounds and voice recordings as specified by the buyer. A robotic mouth that actually suck? Nice. : )

judochop's avatar

@HungryGuy it’s pretty awesome. I can’t stop making it say bad words.
Have you played with ?
It will have a conversation with you. Try to confuse it.

Bellatrix's avatar

@Judochop I think I have fallen in love with cleverbot. I can have more sensible conversations with it than some people I know!!

Blueroses's avatar

@judochop I think I confused it on my first try Thanks to a Fluther question

ragingloli's avatar

Me: How do you view babies?
Bot: I don’t know. Do you love me?
Me: Why would anyone love you?
Bot: Because I’m amazing.
Me: Amazingly foul smelling, yes.
Bot: Amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing amazing.

judochop's avatar

@Blueroses see, it is pure genius.

judochop's avatar

Bot: I really want to know your nickname.
Me: Judo
Bot: Karate
Me: NInja
Bot: Where?

Blueroses's avatar

Me: How do you feel about sex dolls?
Bot: I don’t, as long as they don’t hang around my house, I suppose they’d destroy everything.

Cleverbot dialog should be a whole new thread

Bellatrix's avatar

I agree @Blueroses. We could post Fluther questions to it. What would Cleverbot say?

Blueroses's avatar

Me: Why is there blood on the condom?
Bot: Because the mooninites stole it.
Me: That doesn’t even make any sense.
Bot: I thought it did. Maybe you’re incompetant.

I think I used to date Cleverbot

6rant6's avatar

I agree with those who have said, “different strokes” in one way or another. Whatever we ourselves are into, the devices and vices of others seem weird, but whatever.

Can you imagine how unsettling it would be to know all the sexual predilections and habits of the people you know? The only person whose sexual history I have a complete knowledge of is me. And even that’s a bid unnerving.

Bellatrix's avatar

Hmmm. I have met this guy before too @Blueroses.

User: Why did you call my friend Blue incompetent?
Cleverbot: I didn’t, you said you were my girlfriend.
User: No I did not. She thinks she dated you though in a past life.
Cleverbot: She know that.
User: That’s very good English.
Cleverbot: Do you know code geass?
User: Urrm no? Did he attend that party last week?
Cleverbot: You’re not a girl?
User: Checks. Yes I am.
Cleverbot: What’s your name?
User: You can call me Bella.
Cleverbot: Are you a girl?
User: I just told you I am.
Cleverbot: I am a girl! Lets date :)).
User: I am straight.
Cleverbot: Do you have a girlfriend?
User: Yes, you called her incompetent.
Cleverbot: I did not.
User: Did.
Cleverbot: You’re being childish.
User: You are ridiculous!
Cleverbot: No you are.
User: You smell.
Cleverbot: Nope!
User: Do.
Cleverbot: Don’t.

Do we have a member called @Cleverbot? This takes arguing on the internet to a whole new level.

ragingloli's avatar

would you look at that, that and that

mazingerz88's avatar

@ragingloli You might want to check these cuties out.

mazingerz88's avatar

@ragingloli I want one! Lol. One of them has an uncanny resemblance to my former gf too.

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