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In the carol, "12 Days of Christmas." just how many of each gift does the singer end up with?
Listen and count. Clearly it’s 12 partridges in pear trees because there is one given on each of the 12 days. And there are 12 drummers drumming given only on the 12th day. But on day 2 through 12, all the previous presents are repeated. So just how many turtle doves, french hens, calling birds, golden rings, geese a-laying, swans a-swimming, maids a-milking, ladies dancing, lords a-leaping, and pipers piping does the singer end up with?
As a present for your calculations, here’s the story of how this British Christmas Carol came to be. The link at the end of the explanation goes into why it speaks of 12 days of Christmas. To all those jellies that celebrate something at this time of the year, happy Holidays.
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