Social Question

FutureMemory's avatar

Bleh Tuesdays! Care to share the last thing that had you laughing outloud?

Asked by FutureMemory (24763points) December 20th, 2011

Can you top this?

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7 Answers

Aethelflaed's avatar

This keeps crackin’ me up.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

A co worker talking about “worst holiday gifts received”. He was once given a Ken Doll Barbie in hopes he’d play with a cousin living in his household who was an avid Barbie doll collector. It wasn’t a success. I thought it funny imagining his face because he’s not a dolls kind of person. At all.

Blueroses's avatar

@Aethelflaed I’ve been smiling ever since I saw that on your facebook!

I’m laughing at this NSFW video from my favorite drag queen.

fordest's avatar

This was pretty darn funny! Still chuckling about it a few hours later.

Blueroses's avatar

This thread

Seriously, if you don’t laugh at that, you should check your pulse. :D

Blackberry's avatar

Ok, this is seriously NSFW. So I’m going to post it now. It’s hilarious.

Bellatrix's avatar

I am also going with Cleverbot. Had me giggling a lot.

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