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tan253's avatar

What can be the cause for hemoglobin in urine?

Asked by tan253 (2958points) December 21st, 2011

So it’s me again, I’m 6 months pregnant, woke up this morning after doing my fast – no water no food for 12 hours for the gestational diabetes test only to find I peed blood and only blood so it seemed.
So I’ve just spent 4 hours in hospital, the Dr said she didn’t think it was an infection as their were no red blood cells but hemoglobin.
She thinks kidney stones, of which I’ve never had any symptoms of.
I’m getting a ultra sound tomorrow to see if there’s anything there, I’m worried about cancer as my Nana had kidney cancer.
Any ideas?
Could it be from dehydration, the first two samples were red then the next one was almost clear – she said the second one only showed traces of protein and blood – but first was quite thick.

Thanks so much.

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5 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

I do worry about you. Why are you not more comfortable with your Medical people?

How can we give you better advice, from afar, with no training?

If you just need support, then we are here.

Sorry for all the bumps along the road. I hope that parts of your pregnancy are joyful and exciting.

tan253's avatar

Thanks gailcalled… i’m a hypochondriac…. I know but kinda freaking out about blood in urine and no UTI….. anyway not much one can do but hope all is ok I guess – baby is fine!!! healthy as a bean xo

syz's avatar

Technically, it’s not blood in your urine, it’s hemoglobin, which is a component of red blood cells. It suggests that something is breaking down your blood cells and you are seeing the by-product.

syz's avatar

There’s quite a bit of information available online, but you should use these resources as a starting point for a conversation with your doctor (rather than get too caught up in worst-case scenarios).

gondwanalon's avatar

I think that you were not listening to your doctor very closely. The presence of white blood cells (not red blood cells) and bacteria in the urine is indicative of a urogenital infection.

The presence of red bloods, hemoglobin, protein and crystals is consistent with having kidney stones.

Definitely follow your doctor’s instructions.

Good health to you and your family.

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