Meta Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Has the "good answer" function gone wonky?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47232points) December 21st, 2011

I noticed a minute ago that one user was sitting on 0 GA so I gave him one…and it popped up that he now had 4. So I went back through the post giving GA helter skelter, and the same thing was happening when I gave other users GA. They’d be at 0 until I click GA for them, then it would show that that had 2, or 3 or whatever. Is it Fluther or are my GA’s magic now? : )

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9 Answers

erichw1504's avatar

I offer this one and only conclusion: your GA’s are magic.

You’re welcome. Have a great day and a Merry Easter.

Dutchess_III's avatar


SavoirFaire's avatar

GA’s don’t update in real time. If you load this page and leave it open, you won’t see anyone giving out GA’s or GQ’s. If you then give someone a GA, though, the site updates that page element, reflecting any GA’s that have been given since you first loaded the page in addition to the one you just gave. If you’re on a particularly active thread, then, the likelihood is that several GA’s will have been given while you were still reading.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sniffle. There’s no such thing as Santa either, is there. WAAAAAHHH!!!!

jonsblond's avatar

@Dutchess_III Cleverbot told me Santa is for real. I swear.

syz's avatar

It’s just the delay in the page refresh.

SavoirFaire's avatar

Of course Santa is real. Who do you think delivers the GA’s from your computer to Fluther? It’s the tooth fairy who is a myth. She’s really just an elf with good PR.

Dutchess_III's avatar

When my son started getting suspicious about the reality of the tooth fairy he started setting traps for her! I would mess up his traps and leave notes along with his coins telling him not to mess with me like that!! Or “No trap can ever catch me!” And then sign it ‘The Tooth Fairy”

TheIntern55's avatar

I stopped believeing in the tooth fairy when she gave me the money and left me the tooth.

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