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PhiNotPi's avatar

What shape is made by a chain attached at both ends? (math question, see details)

Asked by PhiNotPi (12688points) December 21st, 2011

I remember reading in some math-related book about the following problem:

You have a long chain/rope. You take one end and attach it somewhere. You then take the opposite end and attach it to a different location, with the same altitude but in a different location horizontally. The dangling chain then creates an almost-parabolic curve between the two points. What is the formula for this parabola?

I remember the book saying that some famous mathematician spend a large amount of time looking for the answer, but never found it. It then describes how a different mathematician then came along, spent a lot of time on the problem, but then showed that the curve was not a parabola after all.

This whole thing was a very minor part of the book, and I do not recall the book ever saying what the answer actually was. I also remember that there is a very specific name for the curve formed by a dangling chain, but I do not know what that is either.

So, I have two questions:
The first is: What is the name of the curve? This answer alone could probably give the answer to the second question.

This second is: Given H as the horizontal distance between the two places of attachment, and L as the total length of the rope/chain, what is the formula for the curve?

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2 Answers

gasman's avatar

It’s known as a catenary (also here). Mathematically it is the same as the graph of hyperbolic cosine, cosh(x). You are correct that it is not a parabola.

The equation has the form y = e^x + e^-x, though I don’t have the exact formula you seek.

gailcalled's avatar

(I can’t believe it; I knew that.)

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