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rebbel's avatar

What are some nice things to capture in a time-lapse video?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) December 21st, 2011

Recently I downloaded an app for my phone with which I can make time-lapse ‘videos’.
Now I made two of clouds moving by.
And in the spring I am planning to make some of growing flowers/plants.
Since I think it is fascinating I want to make use of it more but I can’t really think of other things that would be worth to capture and nice to view the finished result.
Can you maybe do a suggestion for subjects/phenomena to use for my app?

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13 Answers

judochop's avatar

I have all the photographs but I’ve yet to layer them.
I did a giant gummy bear melting in the desert sun, all day long. I have about 900 photos that need to be edited. You can take it over if you want and do it on your phone.
Also a time lapse of melting records in heat. Like old 45’s and even tapes.
Um…let’s think here for a minute.
if you’ve got the time (ha, no pun intended) you could do mold on strawberries.
bananas turning brown.
water filling up the bathtub. Make sure you have some nice legs in the suds…ie, not your legs.
Flowers wilting.
Xmas trees dead on the street jut before the trash man picks them all up.
sugar cube being infested with ants.
a group of people holding their breath, turning red.
Man I could go on and on, till the crack of dawn….Mow’n down ideas like I’m mowing the lawn…Man I really should go do something.

mazingerz88's avatar

French kissing very up close. : ) yeahhh…yeah that’s right… ( oh wait, sorry, that was slow motion not time lapse! )

ragingloli's avatar

Decomposition of a human carcass.

gasman's avatar

I fooled around a bit with time-lapse back in the days of Super-8. My movie camera had an electronic single-frame shutter release triggered by an “intervalometer” of my own making.

One of my subjects was a piece of candy on a sidewalk near an anthill, to capture the trend of activity of the ants.

Most of my films, however, were shot from the dashboard of my car. I would routinely cruise down the highway at Mach 2 or 3. Slower (600 mph) for picturesque hills or curves, faster (spacecraft orbital speeds) for wide-open desert country. Now you can find that stuff all over YouTube, but 30 years ago it was fun to see what those speeds look like without actually endangering my life.

For some excellent time-lapse as well as slo-mo, see the movie Koyaanisqatsi.

Jeruba's avatar

indoor herb garden
sunrise or sunset
melting of ice
an orange or apple rotting and decaying
traffic around the refrigerator
cut flowers reaching and passing their peak

Kardamom's avatar

Mushrooms popping up out of the earth in the rich forest soil. Mushrooms are so cute and they always remind me of the movie Fantasia.

Any kind of a vine creeping it’s way around a trellis or tree trunk.

A sunflower growing up out of a single tiny sunflower seed into a tall, beautiful flower.

A loaf of bread dough rising.

A piece of cheese or a slice of bread left out for mold to grow on it.

A big sandcastle being built or a skyscraper going up.

SmashTheState's avatar

A spider spinning a web.

Bread rising.

Snowfall accumulation… and then someone shovelling it.

Knitting something from start to finish.

mazingerz88's avatar

A tadpole in a small aquarium set-up would be nice. : )

rebbel's avatar

Great suggestions there, Jellies, thanks for that!

Jeruba's avatar

Gahh, @ragingloli, I wish that had come with a warning.

Pragyna's avatar

Lightning, spider web, fall colors, baking a cup cake etc.

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