Social Question

How can eight U.S. troops be charged for negligent homicide and involuntary manslaughter, in relation to another troop member's suicide?
Come on people—what’s up with today’s news? We all know its bad to tease people. And, that bullying is an awful practice. And, that “kids” should be prevented from doing it in school. And, that it can lead to emotional distress. But, isn’t it a bit far to charge our troops for crimes of manslaughter and homicide based on one of their troop members own suicide? After all, we’ve all seen those movies, troop members are supposed to be tough, and supposed to be toughened up by their superiors to be able to withstand more than we common folks. They’re not kids, but elite adults that sign on to be strong and hard care adults to protect our country. Yes, kick all those tormentors out of the military, sue them for emotional distress, etc., but manslaughter, homicide? Sounds like the military is just trying to look like they are taking care of their own problem… but, in reality, making scape goats of some immature goaters.