@Simone_De_Beauvoir Thanks. That;s how it hit me.
@ANef_is_Enuf So they could feed the homeless twice a year. Gee, not many would be likely to starve going 6 months without food. Can restaurants only open 2 times a year in Orlando as well, or is this specific to feeding the homeless.
@jca I agree the police were acting within city law, and may have put their own jobs on the line had they refused to follow the law, but having a right doesn’t make something right.
@john65pennington Thanks for chiming in. I was hoping you would bring your unique perspective to this. I can imagine that many of the officers chaffed at the idea they had to arrest people for doing charitable work. It just seems to me that some accommodation could be reached in this. It is ridiculous to force a feed-the-homeless program to only be able to operate twice a year. The problem here is the law, not law enforcement.
@digitalimpression Do you personally know everyone in that Feed the Homeless organization and follow them all so closely that you know they don’t vote? I doubt that. If you don’t know, then what makes you feel the need to denigrate those who do charitable work for the needy by proclaiming they never bother to vote? They appear to be highly motivated members of the electorate. I’d be willing to bet that most of them do vote, and not the way you would wish them to vote..
@wundayatta Excellent answer. How true.
@SavoirFaire”, @Pandora & @mangeons I am sure that if food safety concerns were the real issue behind this city ordinance, Orlando could easily deal with those issues in exactly the same manner they regulate food safety in restaurants. I seriously doubt Orlando restaurants are only allowed to serve food twice a year for fear that if they operate any more than that, they will poison children and the city will get sued.
@judochop How right you are about bad laws. The nazi ss troopers who kicked down boors and herded, Jews, homosexuals, union members, communists and the Roma people into concentration camps for gas chambers anc crematoria were simply following the law. Might does not make right.
@digitalimpression & @YARNLADY So you think the Nazis were perfectly right in rounding up people for Genocide, because that was the law at the time. If they didn’t like it, they should just wait till Hitler decided to hold a vote? I don;t think you really believe that.
@Linda_Owl That’s what this is really about at it’s heart. It’s the philosophy of seeing the poor and disadvantages as leeches to be cut from the public teat so that privileged few can have ever more. Turn them over to good Christian Charity, the rallying cry goes. Oh, and by the way, make charity illegal.
@Supacase Good points. It’s being done for political effect, not just to feed the homeless. But the Food not Bombs people have the political high ground here. If the wrong-wing hadn’t driven economic inequality to pre-depression levels by 30 years of trickly-up baloney, these OWS and Food not Bombs people wouldn’t be taking to the streets and parks. And the wrong-wing talkers like Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage and Fox News have used plenty of their own political theater and photo ops to drive toward ever more for their greedy oligarch patrons.