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john65pennington's avatar

What commercials on television do you truly hate?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) December 23rd, 2011

We have been flooded with tv commercials right before Christmas. Most of them I enjoyed, but several are annoying. Two in particular are the Nissan commercials “its the most wonderful buy of the year” and Progressive car insurance. I change channels when either come on my tv. Question: which tv commercial(s) rack your nerves?

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19 Answers

Blondesjon's avatar

Every single one that doesn’t portray a live sex act.

filmfann's avatar

The ones for Viagra, douches, or that gel that works together to cause orgasm volcanos.
These are just indecent.

Blondesjon's avatar

said the guy ^^ with the south park avatar . . .

DaphneT's avatar

The politcal ads. Need I say more. And if you don’t have those, blessings are upon you.

Blackberry's avatar

I stopped watching TV, that’s how much I hate them all.

Berserker's avatar

Ain’t got no cable TV, but that doesn’t stop commercials from appearing on mah intrawebz or before movie previews when I rent something.
Personally, I’m sick and tired of those car commercials that promote a ’‘greener’’ world, because their cars don’t pollute as much as other cars.

Right. That’s gonna save the trees as much as it would save an infection if you rubbed shit all over it.

abbynormal's avatar

Old Navy.

How many more Christmas songs can they ruin?


Practically all of them!

Cell phone commercials are usually the worst. Loud and obnoxious.

Commercials that take a great classic Oldies song and use it to sell their stupid product.

Ikea commercials are often dumb and pointless. Just like the dumb names they give to their cheap furniture pieces. Lol.

Kudos to @filmfann for mentioning Viagra, Cialis, douches, and prophylactic commercials. Yes, they are downright obscene and inappropriate, especially when they come on during family supper time. Lol.

ucme's avatar

Never watch them, used to be some classics twenty some years ago though.

mattbrowne's avatar

All that are related to products and services we don’t really need.

EmptyNest's avatar

That annoying pale girl on the Progressive Insurance commercials!!!!!!

philosopher's avatar

Most but the Lexus one where they play that annoying Music is on the top of my list. People simply do not behave this way.
I have family that does Copy Writing. This generation of Copy Writers is not very good. I think they lack a real Creative Edge.
Families actually communicate in person and discuss important matters such as purchasing cars.
It seems to me that that these Copy Writers live in a superficial world and have No clue how to relate to most people.
Years ago I saw some amazing Commericals but not recently.

figbash's avatar

The cell phone commercial where the woman starts screaming at the spider on the screen, Progressive commercials with Flo, the new Charmin commercials that tell you to “enjoy the go,” Mucinex – because even though that stuff works, the name is gross and the Target Christmas one with that freaky blonde woman preparing for Christmas shopping, and the Lexus one. I don’t know too many people who can just hand over 50k cars as gifts!

philosopher's avatar

I agree that is a really dumb one. It lacks true creativity.

Akua's avatar

ALL commercials annoy me; but here are a few that I particularly detest:
1) The Geico Commercials. What’s with the pig?
2) The yogurt commercial when the woman is talking on the phone about how much weight she lost and her stupid husband is in the fridge looking for the cheesecake.
3) All the make-up ads showing air brushed models and entertainers looking great because of this great new product. I cancelled cable years ago and mute what’s left.

philosopher's avatar

You are correct especially in regards to the yogurt Commercial.
Did you know Copy Writers win awards for great Commercials?

Akua's avatar

@philosopher Yes I heard they win awards and I also know that they hire psychologists to dig into the human mind and figure out they best way to manipulate the public into buying crap they don’t want. These people get paid millions to trick us by using out own vanity, laziness and greed.

philosopher's avatar

I have family in the business and he does Political stuff too. GRRRRRRRR.

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