What is the strangest dream you've ever had?
I’ve had multiple dreams that I remember well because I wrote them down. The strangest one was when all my family members died, and the dream was a slight show of their photos and some poems. There were red roses all over the screen, and background was black.
What’s yours?
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12 Answers
My brain has conjured some shitstorms while sick, haha.
My junior year of high school I was sick during exam time and my exams were postponed. One night after everyone else had taken exams but before I had, I had a dream that I was at a diner and saw a classmate sitting at a nearby table reading one of our textbooks. I asked him why he was studying, hadn’t he already taken exams? “No,” he said, “I’ve been sick too, and have also had my exams postponed.” He went on to explain that he had been diagnosed with a rare condition in which he would instantly die if two particular chemicals were to simultaneously come in contact with his body. Fortunately, though, both chemicals were very rare, so nothing was likely to happen. We walked out of the diner together and lo and behold, apparently there was some pollution in the air and the chemicals united on his fingertip. His skin proceeded to peel off, starting from the finger, until he reduced to a bloody lump before my eyes. It was very graphic.
Another night I dreamed I was at a high school reunion; we were having a picnic outdoors. An enormous eagle swooped out of the sky, picked up a former classmate, carried him high into the sky and then dropped him before us.
The night of my first surgery after having my belly cut open, I dreamed that I had to communicate via my belly. In the dream, the surgeon had added buttons much like a cell phone keyboard on my belly and I could only communicate by typing out messages on it.
After my surgery while on Vicodin I had a bizarre drug dream. I was walking around my city and everybody around me was behaving very irregularly. I eventually came to the conclusion that my city had been “cursed” and my house was the “epicenter” of the curse. Unforunately I needed to return to my house to get something. I was scared to enter because I knew the curse would be stronger in my house. When I walked in, the first thing I saw was my dad sitting at the dining table. He had his chin in his hand and was seemingly asleep, but was repeating, in a strange, robotic voice, “a group test averted a group test averted a group test averted.” Don’t ask me what that means. I tiptoed past him to get what I needed from my bedroom. But then I began to worry about my mom. I called out, “Mom…?” and apparently this caught my dad’s attention because he began saying, in an increasingly loud voice, “a group test required a group test REQUIRED.” I woke up just as I was running from the house.
I have had some really crazy dreams over the years, but I don’t remember the vast majority of them.
I have, on the other hand, had recurring nightmares for many years in which I am desperately trying to save a young girl and an elderly man from devastating deaths. I always manage to save other people in the dream, but I always fail to save those two. They die every time.
The scenery changes in every dream, but the theme is unwavering. I have tried to save them from war, floods, tornadoes, fires, collapsing elevators… lots of different things. Never works. I always wake up feeling really sad.
Robert Pollard showed up with a bunch of guys dressed in all white and wearing berets.
They recruited me to help fight off a nazi attack. We failed to hold them off and we were all taken into nazi custody. I was able to avoid the death camps because Robert was friends with a guard.
I’ve had stranger dreams but that one stuck in my mind for some reason.
Jeez, if I even begin to list and describe all the strange dreams I’ve had… seriously, there’s too many. I have noticed a trend in my dreams though, and it’s that I’m always being chased by either a person, or people, that I don’t know. And I have my siblings with me, and I have to save them… and I also see a lotta snakes in my dreams… o_0
In one, I saw one as long as anything, like really long… it was in a kinda deserty place, like the West in America, with the dry bushes, and the old wooden houses and all that.
In another, I saw a snake that looked like a dragon, as it was white and blue…
In one, I got stabbed in the foot by an Iranian person, in an amusement park…
man I think I should stop now.
Got shot in the head once.
Not a nightmare, mind you, just weird.
The strangest dream I ever had:
I’m on the second floor of what looks like an abandoned apartment complex of some kind. There are nails protruding up form the floor in a pattern suggesting that they were put there on purpose. There floats a mattress atop the nails. I know I need to get to the mattress. The mattress has suspicious, vermilion spots on it that I can only assume are blood. I make it over the mattress to a doorway. I go down some stairs and leave the building.
Upon leaving the building I see a courtyard that is glowing unnaturally like the forest in Avatar. I am smoking a cigarette with no memory of lighting it. Fireflies, or some other type of creature are buzzing about leaving traces of their path. The colors are so vivid and the dream so real that I am completely immersed.
I realize that I am supposed to kill someone but I don’t know why.
I wake up.
When I first started working as a nurse I kept having the same dream that one of the patients was a giant head (sitting on the bed like a large egg with no body).
I’ve been having recurring dreams of surviving a huge, catastrophic flood of James Cameron film-proportions. One scene I remember well was riding a flood, rapids style, while hanging on inside a house.
At least I survived…
All the dreams I remember (not many) are weird. I used to get a lot of dreams about being chased, until one of them turned lucid and I turned round and told my pursuers to go away.
I also remember a dream in which I was lost in Prague, and was wandering round the streets carrying a television. And another one where I was running across the rooftops in Cairo.
Sadly, I forgot most of my awesome dreams.
I remember going lucid one time though. I punched my professor when he (or she) was giving a lecture.
When I was a kid I use to have a recurring dream of a monster coming out from an old shed at night and chasing me down.
While I was in the U.S. Army I had two standard dreams. One was being mowed down by a hostile enemy machine gun fire. The other was being swept away by a colossal tsunami.
Nowadays I sometimes have dreams that mixes up people, places and events hat happened at various times and places during my 60 years of life. It can be very strange. Old friends that I haven’t seen in decades interacting with current friends. Old college friends hanging out with Army buddies doing things that end going no where then start again totally different over and over. Very bizarre and Kafkaesque. No rhyme or reason. I wake up thinking that was so weird. It’s like a Kaleidoscope of memories. (FYI: I’m taking no drugs, prescription or over the counter except aspirin)
Even as a child my dreams always had a narrative to them, and were produced like films, complete with cinematic flairs like cutaways, zooms, screenwipes, and segues. I remember having a really good dream one night as a child,which I was quite enjoying, and being sad and disappointed when my parents woke me up for school. They assured me I could continue the dream the next night. The power of suggestion is awesome; the next night I got a placard (like the ones for dialogue in black and white silent movies) which said, “And now we are proud to present: THE CONTINUTION OF LAST NIGHT’S DREAM” and proceeded to pick up where it had left off.
The reason I mentioned all of that is so you can understand how disturbing it was for me when I started taking Zoloft and it completely buggered my dreams. Instead of having narratives, my dreams were more like art films, with repeating nonsensical images or fractured shards of colour with unpleasant sounds like static or hiss or nonsense voices babbling in the background. One particular dream I remember involved me having a first-person perspective of my gargantuan face as I lay sleeping, as if I was a mosquito or a teeny-tiny lunar lander. I kept ever so slowly dropping down onto my face, pausing, then slowly lifting off again. Up, down, up, down, up, down, all night long. I woke up exhausted and muddle-headed. That’s probably the strangest dream I’ve ever had.
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