Social Question

Aethelflaed's avatar

Are fringe theories, by definition, unpopular?

Asked by Aethelflaed (13760points) December 25th, 2011

Is popularity the defining characteristic of what makes a theory “fringe”? Or can there be fringe theories that have a good amount of popularity, especially within certain subcultures?

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3 Answers

marinelife's avatar

A fringe theory is one that goes against or is different from mainstream theories. Since it is outside the mainstream of thought, it makes sense that it would be less popular.

Coloma's avatar

I agree with @marinelife

I’d also say that how accepting or rejecting one is of a particular theory is usually in direct proportion to their own hardcore beliefs and programming. I am healthily skeptical, but, very open mined, I don’t discount anything 100%. I happen to really LIKE entertaining the vastness of possibility.

Possibility vs. probability..well, who knows, maybe we are descendants of ancient alien astronauts. lol

I’m more interested in esoteric theory than I am conspiracy theory, one fuels the imagination, limitless possibility, the other fuels paranoia.

Earthgirl's avatar

Fringe theories may be less popular because they go against the grain or simply because they are less well known or understood. They may fly in the face of some established and well enttrenched theory. They may feel threatening to the current social order and be seen as offensive or even dangerous. Was the theory of gravity a “fringe” theory at one time? Yes. Fringe artists can often be social provacateurs. What is shocking when new can become accepted over time but at first it is seen as outsider and sometimes unsettling .

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