Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

How many holiday cards did you receive this year (Dec 2011)?

Asked by JLeslie (65825points) December 25th, 2011

Do you have them on display?

Do you keep any of them?

Do you send cards? If so how many?

Do you have expectations about receiving cards? Would you be insulted if particular people don’t send one?

I received 9, and they are all on display. Sometimes I keep the photo cards of close friends, the rest of the cards I throw away in January. I don’t usually send cards, except for my neice and nephew because I send them money.

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22 Answers

EmptyNest's avatar

Just a few. I don’t send them anymore so I don’t get many. As far as I’m concerned it’s an outdated tradition. That’s what Facebook and internet is for.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I send out cards about every 5 years, and there’s a general scrabbling to add me to a list I was taken off of a couple of years ago. Otherwise, I have about 15 to 20 people who regularly send me cards because they want to, rather than from obligation, and I treasure those. The sad thing is, when I do send cards, it’s only to people I want to.

Bellatrix's avatar

About seven or eight but I never send them. I have boxes and boxes of them that I have bought with the intention of sending them but I never get around to it. I don’t display them either.

I think it’s good for the environment that they are falling out of fashion but it is also a nice way to keep in touch with family and friends (if you post them!). So one of those nice traditions that is passing out of fashion I think.

KateTheGreat's avatar

None at all.


Only 2. I put them on our mantel. I email most of my greetings and receive them the same way.

bkcunningham's avatar

I sent out about 50 cards and I received more than that before we left home to go visit relatives. I’m typing from a hotel room and haven’t checked my mail since last Tuesday. I had them displayed at first but as they accumulated they got in the way of my husband’s Wii-mote and I put them in a fanned out stack on an end table next to the couch.

cookieman's avatar

We received twenty photo cards and a dozen regular cards. I love receiving Christmas cards, particularly the photo cards (which always show off how everyone’s families have changed and grown).

We always send a photo Christmas card of my daughter (dressed for the season), but this year, we never got to it. I’m thinking maybe a New Year’s card.

Two things I don’t enjoy receiving every year…

• Family year-end letters
They tend to drone on and on about the most mind-numbing, self-involved minutiae.

• A little “repent now and save your soul now from eternal damnation” booklet this one particular family includes in their Christmas cards every year.

augustlan's avatar

We got 11, and displayed them in a new way this year… on our swords!. I very, very rarely send any cards. I have the best intentions, but I never seem to get around to it.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

More than I expected, probably around 15+

They are stacked on my dresser, some on the living room/kitchen island, the rest on the library table.

They only holiday cards I keep are ones where the card front is a picture of the people.

t’s been about 16yrs since I’ve sent cards out. I used to send cards out the last week of November to family friends, started when I met my biological father’s family in my mid teens. It was about 50 cards in the early years and over 100 once I married.

Anymore, I’m surprised when I received a holiday card because I move so often, it amazes me people keep up with my addresses. Aside from that, the cost of postage surprised me so I don’t expect physical cards from people and don’t judge anyone lazy or non caring if they don’t send cards.

Starting yesterday afternoon and ongoing right now, I’ve gotten hundreds of texts to where I’ve had to clear out my phone a few times and charge it twice. I’m in the electronic age.

JLeslie's avatar

Loved the answers so far. Thanks.

Earthgirl's avatar

I used to be like Bellatrix. I would buy the cards, even fill some out, but then never send them. Why si that I wonder? Do I feel like I have to send all or none?. Almost all the cards I get now are from family. I display all of the picture cards and save them. I also display any cards I like the design of but rarely keep them unless they have soe sentimental value. I get some texted holiday greetings but no emailed ones. I kind of miss cards and letters. I am not much into Facebook.

Bellatrix's avatar

Do you send them now @Earthgirl or just not buy them? You said you “used to be like” me? I did it again this year. Hopeless. My husband says “no, you have a cupboard full” but I see some with nice pictures and think…“yes, they are perfect” (to go in the cupboard and not be sent!”) I did use some to put presents in. Where I bought tickets or other things that couldn’t be wrapped. I gave some out at work with a couple of presents too but as for ‘sending’ Christmas cards, no. Nice to know I am not alone @Earthgirl :-)

Neizvestnaya's avatar

What I’m thinking of doing because I miss sharing cards is this:

there are website you can create your own postcards on, with personal pics or whatever and they are a lot less expensive than boxed cards with envelopes. Postage is slightly less for postcards too and it’s fun to design your own postage stamps.

Bellatrix's avatar

That’s a cute idea @Neizvestnaya.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@Bellatrix: My MIL turned me on to

Bellatrix's avatar

Thanks @Neizvestnaya. I like the tee-shirt feature too.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I don’t know…5–10…I really hate most cards.

Earthgirl's avatar

Bellatrix I broke myself of the habit! I will not let myself buy cards anymore. But I am still happy to know I am not alone! :)

geeky_mama's avatar

We got about 40 or so cards..and we display them by clipping them with these mini clothes pins on small string of battery powered LED lights from IKEA along a window that looks out onto the backyard. (LEDs don’t heat up – less fire hazard.)

We sent out about 50 cards – and I do a very short, usually humorous & packed with photos, family letter.
This year there were very few words but we had a picture of each member of the family re-enacting a line from the movie “A Christmas Story”.
My hubby was holding a (photo-shopped – but apparently all too realistic!) “Major Award” leg lamp, and the bubble above my picture read: “My—Father- Mother worked in profanity the way other artists might work in oils or clay.” This was really funny to everyone who knows us..because I’m known for having a bit of a potty mouth.

My favorite card a few years back came from my husband’s cousin. He and his partner took a picture dressed as the Holy Family..G was Joseph, his partner J was Mary and their dog was the baby Jesus. Some of the family thought it was blasphemous—but I thought it was funny as heck.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@geeky_mama: I like that idea about the LED light string, gonna do it next year.

geeky_mama's avatar

And it was cheap…Yay for IKEA!

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