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I found out my soon-to-be ex-husband's married girlfriend lied about filing for divorce. Should I tell him?
A family friend told me he found out my soon-to-be ex-husband’s married girlfriend never filed for divorce as she told him she did.
My husband left me and filed for divorce after 19 years of marriage (25 years together in total) in October 2009. At that time he began seeing a married woman. She told him she filed for divorce in early 2010. Since divorce records are public record, I confirmed what the family friend told me. Neither she nor her husband have filed for divorce.
My husband has been living with his parents since he left me. He planned to move in with her in June 2010 but didn’t for some reason. He told me they bought dining room and bedroom furniture together in early 2010 and my husband has been paying to keep it in storage since then.
I am worried she is using him and that he’ll get hurt. I still love him and I am heartbroken over losing the love of my life. If I tell him about his girlfriend not filing for divorce, I’m certain he’ll think I am trying to cause trouble but I only want to protect him. If I don’t tell him, I will feel guilty when the truth comes out, especially if she hurts him.
Our divorce is not final yet since we have not come to an agreement about alimony. I am disabled and in ill health and have not worked since 1994. I don’t receive disability (although I have applied and appealed my denial) so I do need alimony. I don’t want to anger him because then he’ll push for the divorce to go through now at a lesser alimony amount and I’ll lose my health insurance sooner than I would if the divorce follows the current course.
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