Fact from fiction, truth from diction. I would say it is a combination of several things. Sure, there was societal or cultural bias, and/or manipulation, but that is not the all-in-all.
Back when the industrial revolution hit, Blacks and other minorities did gain ground, maybe more than did Asians. It took brawn not brains to drive rivets or turn a wrench. The playing field got evened although Jim Crow was still prevalent, and the Klan were marching. I think after about three straight wars against Asians, they didn’t fare as good as today, at least from what I remember as a kid. Some of the names they were called (which I won’t repeat here) would be every bit as equal to an N-bomb.
Growing up, I have seen how many different cultures handle schooling, jobs, prosperity etc. Many immigrants came here with the idea that if they could just get here, they had every chance to make it. When I was a kid and summer vacation came about, many of my non-Black friends could not hang and such because they had to work in the family business. At the point, I thought what a gyp for them, because in many cases, they were not paid like the official employees; if at all. Later it came to me, they were gaining job skills, OJT. The only thing the rest of us were learning was how to improve our score in Pac Man, or hone our jump shot. Later, it occurred to me, they might one day get the business to run, and the rest of us will be working for them.
With many of my Black friends, they were disgruntled or bitter over how society has treated Black people. The road might have been full of sandbags but is was far from blocked. They felt they were owed more than what they were, if anything. They wanted to have it all but off less effort. The way to the fancy cars and such, was quicker to gain by illegal activity. Illegal activity seemed an easier path because ”The Man” was blocking them to doing it the legal way. If they did it that way, they would be kept under foot, and not allowed to advance anyhow.
That was not the way all of the time. Back in the day Blacks had solidarity, hence the phrase and custom of seeing every other Black as a brother, or sister. The bus protest after Rosa Parks was arrested would not have been successful had they not had the solidarity, and will like that of the ”Occupy Oakland” movement. Drugs like coke was too rich for the “hood”, it was mostly cheap booze like Ripple, and Thunderbird. When crack came to the “hood”, cocaine found a cheap deadly way in, and it was down hill from there.
I see many Hispanics climb from the ashes, but it usually takes a while. Many I have seen are very good at selflessly pooling resources to gain for a few who would then pull the rest in their wake. They will work hard to brother Sancho can get his house. Then Sancho will use his status as a home owner to help Maria get a nice apartment, in turn she will help cousin Ruben, by letting him crash there for a time doing what he can to help out, but saving to get his own apartment, or a better vehicle in which he will get a better job, etc. It is like a family team effort. Some will like to joke about how many Hispanics you can squeeze into a 2bdr house, but they are all cobbling together their resources so they are not there perpetually.
Asians are seen as more docile, mild-mannered, and agreeable, and, smarter so it makes them like the non-minority minorities, this is having fought three was with them. The perceptions of Asian have change a lot since I was a young child to now. Jim Crow may not be as loud, but make no mistake; he had not left the building.