Social Question

Charles's avatar

Would you do it?

Asked by Charles (4826points) December 26th, 2011

1. Would you have one half inch of your pinkie surgically removed for $1M cash?
2. What would rather have: $20K cash or guarantee of never having the common cold the rest of your life?
3. Would you, as a heterosexual, have full sex with a person of the same sex for $1M?
4. Would you spend two months in general population San Quentin prison (if a man, or a women’s prison if a woman) for $1M cash?
5. Which would you choose: Eat whatever you want and maintain whatever weight you desire effortlessly, or $1M cash?
6. Would you let your spouse have protected sex with another anonymous (not unattractive) person who will never be seen again for $1M cash?
7. Which would you rather have, start over from ten years ago (if you’re 30 and will die at 80, you go back to 20 and still die at 80), or add ten years to your life (you’re 30 but you live to 90)?
8. Would you take a 10% cut in pay today to guarantee you’ll never been unemployed on your terms.
9. For those married: If you could have sex with anyone in the world other than your spouse, and there is 100% guarantee no one would find out about it and no one would be physically or psychologically hurt, would you do it?
10. Women: If their personalities where the same, which would you chose: a top 5% looks but 50% income or a top 5% income but 50% looks.
11. Men: Two 7s (separately) or one 10?
12. Would you eat a live grasshopper for $1000 cash?
13. Would you vote my way in an election if it opposed your way, if I gave you $1? If, no, $5? $20? $50? How much?
14. Would you not vote even though you wanted to , if I gave you $1? If, no, $5? $20? $50? How much?

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23 Answers

tedibear's avatar

1. Probably. I’m trying to think of what I do with my pinkie that would impede my daily life.
2. 20K
3. No
4. No
5. Eat whatever and maintain my desired weight.
6. No
7. Go back, as long as I could know what I know now and could fix what I didn’t do so well then. If not, then add on 10 years to the end.
8 & 9. No
10. Top 5% income but 50% looks
11. N/A (But it will be interesting to see those answers!)
12, 13 & 14. No. And you couldn’t buy my vote or non-vote.

augustlan's avatar

1: No.
2: 20K, please.
3: N/A
4: No
5: 1 million dollars, please.
6: Yes, in a heartbeat.
7: Add ten years
8: Maybe. I’d have to think about it long and hard.
9: Not unless it was ok with my husband.
10: Neither.
11: N/A
12: No
13: No, and no amount would change my answer
14: No, and no amount would change my answer

Ayesha's avatar

No, I wouldn’t.

rebbel's avatar

I’ll be a millionair.

Charles's avatar

My responses
1. Would you have one half inch of your pinkie surgically removed for $1M cash? No
2. What would rather have: $20K cash or guarantee of never having the common cold the rest of your life? $20K
3. Would you, as a heterosexual, have full sex with a person of the same sex for $1M? Yes.
4. Would you spend two months in general population San Quentin prison (if a man, or a women’s prison if a woman) for $1M cash? No.
5. Which would you choose: Eat whatever you want and maintain whatever weight you desire effortlessly, or $1M cash? Eat.
6. Would you let your spouse have protected sex with another anonymous (not unattractive) person who will never be seen again for $1M cash? Yes.
7. Which would you rather have, start over from ten years ago (if you’re 30 and will die at 80, you go back to 20 and still die at 80), or add ten years to your life (you’re 30 but you live to 90)? Add 10.
8. Would you take a 10% cut in pay today to guarantee you’ll never been unemployed on your terms. No.
9. For those married: If you could have sex with anyone in the world other than your spouse, and there is 100% guarantee no one would find out about it and no one would be physically or psychologically hurt, would you do it? Yes.
10. Women: If their personalities where the same, which would you chose: a top 5% looks but 50% income or a top 5% income but 50% looks. N/A
11. Men: Two 7s (separately) or one 10? Two Sevens (heck, three fives – variety is more important than quality.) A friend of mine had a logical answer to chose the ten. He said he’ll never get a 10 so if he had the chance he’d take it. He can always get the two sevens later.
12. Would you eat a live grasshopper for $1000 cash? Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes….I don’t know.
13. Would you vote my way in an election if it opposed your way, if I gave you $1? If, no, $5? $20? $50? How much? For $1 yes. My vote doesn’t make that much difference. $1 will benefit me more than my vote will. (I don’t believe anyone who says they wouldn’t if $20K or more was in front of their face – it’s only one vote for cripes sake.)
14. Would you not vote even though you wanted to , if I gave you $1? If, no, $5? $20? $50? How much? Yes, for $1. I’d save gas and time.

AnonymousWoman's avatar

1. I have already had a finger removed as a baby. I was one of those people who was born with an extra one. While I don’t remember the procedure being done, I don’t desire to have any part of any of the fingers I have removed ever again. I quite like having fingers.

2. I would rather have $20K in cash, as long as it was received honestly… and in a way I am okay with. I am pretty sure I can deal with the common cold.

3. I would have full sex with a woman for free if I trusted her enough and it was consensual because I am curious, but I might not be comfortable with $1M being brought into it.

4. I would rather not, but it might be interesting to see things firsthand. This one is a tough one. I’d have to know more.

5. I’m not overly obsessed with my weight. I’ll take the $1M cash, as long as I get to have it honestly.

6. I don’t like the idea of that, but I might forgive it.

7. I’d rather go back ten years ago as I feel I messed quite a bit up starting not long after that. It would be nice to have a second chance.

8. N/A. I don’t have a job yet.

9. I am not married.

10. I would choose the one who I am attracted to the most, which would most likely be the one who spends and has the most time with and for me.

11. I am not a man, so this is N/A to me.

12. For $1000 cash, I may be very tempted to eat a live grasshopper. I might actually do it.

13. No. That would be going against my conscience if I exchanged my vote for money.

14. If I really want to vote, a bribe of money will not stop me. In fact, it may cause me to be even more determined to go out and vote.

Bellatrix's avatar

1. Would you have one half inch of your pinkie surgically removed for $1M cash?


2. What would rather have: $20K cash or guarantee of never having the common cold the rest of your life?


3. Would you, as a heterosexual, have full sex with a person of the same sex for $1M?


4. Would you spend two months in general population San Quentin prison (if a man, or a women’s prison if a woman) for $1M cash?


5. Which would you choose: Eat whatever you want and maintain whatever weight you desire effortlessly, or $1M cash?

Maintain weight.

6. Would you let your spouse have protected sex with another anonymous (not unattractive) person who will never be seen again for $1M cash?


7. Which would you rather have, start over from ten years ago (if you’re 30 and will die at 80, you go back to 20 and still die at 80), or add ten years to your life (you’re 30 but you live to 90)?

Go back to 20.

8. Would you take a 10% cut in pay today to guarantee you’ll never been unemployed on your terms.

Depends what ‘on my terms’ means?

9. For those married: If you could have sex with anyone in the world other than your spouse, and there is 100% guarantee no one would find out about it and no one would be physically or psychologically hurt, would you do it?


10. Women: If their personalities where the same, which would you chose: a top 5% looks but 50% income or a top 5% income but 50% looks.

Top 5% income.

11. Men: Two 7s (separately) or one 10?

12. Would you eat a live grasshopper for $1000 cash?


13. Would you vote my way in an election if it opposed your way, if I gave you $1? If, no, $5? $20? $50? How much?


14. Would you not vote even though you wanted to , if I gave you $1? If, no, $5? $20? $50? How much?


Mariah's avatar

1. I’m actually kind of on the fence on this one. It would impede instrument playing (and I play piano and oboe) quite a bit. On the other hand (har har), ½ inch isn’t a lot, wouldn’t even reach the first knuckle, so it might still be doable, and I use my pinky for very little else, and 1 million is a lot of money.
2. I’d take the immunity. That’d be fuckin’ sweet for college.
3. Umm. Is it just a random person of the same sex? I’m having trouble being objective about this one because I’m not strictly heterosexual. If it could be someone of my choosing I wouldn’t mind…would that make me a prostitute?
4. No, prison would do me in.
5. Again, hard to say, I’m chronically underweight, but I’d have to have diet restrictions for non-weight related reasons anyway so it’s not that sweet of a deal for me. I might take the cash.
6. I’m not married so I guess it would have to depend on the nature of our hypothetical relationship.
7. Will the last ten years play out exactly the same as before? I wouldn’t want to relive the last ten years but I’d rather have ten extra years of youth than 10 extra years of old age.
8. 10% of zero is still zero, so gladly!
9. Not married, but I wouldn’t if I were.
10. I don’t know, neither income nor looks is important to me.
11. N/A
12. Sure would. Sorry little guy.
13. Nope.
14. Possibly if it was a lot of money and a relatively unimportant local election. I’d still feel squicky about it though. EDIT: Actually I thought some more and I think I’d be so pissed off at you for even suggesting it that I wouldn’t take the deal just to spite you.

These are hypothetical scenarios where the money is just basically falling out of the sky to us, right? It’s not like…the other person is paying us for sex in #3? Cuz that’d be squicky as hell and I’d change my answer.

syz's avatar

1: Sure
2: 20K,
3: N/A
4: probably not
5: Hmmm.
6: Sure
7: Back 10 years
8: Nope.
9: Nope
10: No clue. Looks or income, not that important.
11: N/A
12: Yep
13: No, no, no
14: No, no, no

ragingloli's avatar

1 yes
2 cash
3 yes
4 no
5 cash
6 yes
7 add years
8 yes
9 yes
10 former
11 i don’t get it
12 yes
13 depends on what and the scale of which we disagree on
14 no

elbanditoroso's avatar

The underlying question here is – will we sell our intelligence or our ethics or our morals for some reward – be it emotional, monetary, or sexual. Your questions all require the person to balance some sort of reward against some sort of negative experience.

If people were truly moral and ethical (and if they had spines!!) then the answer to all of these should be NO, because each of them is in some way making an irrational demand.

But in reality, no matter how “good” a person is, we all have our price and we all are willing – under certain circumstances, to trade our ethics for some reward. Only a person with an incredibly strong ego (in a good way) and a very well learned set of values would have the inner strength to always say no.

I would also observe that it is very easy to say “no” online in a place like Fluther, but it is a differrnt thing entirely to say no in “real life” when the situation actually confronts you.

john65pennington's avatar

No to all the above. Having money does not mean that much to me.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

1. Would you have one half inch of your pinkie surgically removed for $1M cash?
Yes! I need my mother secured in retirement more than I need a half inch of my least utilitarian fingers.

2. What would rather have: $20K cash or guarantee of never having the common cold the rest of your life?
$20K, please.

3. Would you, as a heterosexual, have full sex with a person of the same sex for $1M?

4. Would you spend two months in general population San Quentin prison (if a man, or a women’s prison if a woman) for $1M cash?
No. I’ve known a few people of both sexes who’ve been in prison.

5. Which would you choose: Eat whatever you want and maintain whatever weight you desire effortlessly, or $1M cash?
1M, please.

6. Would you let your spouse have protected sex with another anonymous (not unattractive) person who will never be seen again for $1M cash?
Yes, the cash would have to be in my hands first though.

7. Which would you rather have, start over from ten years ago (if you’re 30 and will die at 80, you go back to 20 and still die at 80), or add ten years to your life (you’re 30 but you live to 90)?
Give me the 10yr extension, please.

8. Would you take a 10% cut in pay today to guarantee you’ll never been unemployed on your terms.
No, I’ve never been unemployed even when I was laid off.

9. For those married: If you could have sex with anyone in the world other than your spouse, and there is 100% guarantee no one would find out about it and no one would be physically or psychologically hurt, would you do it?
No. My spouse is that person I want out of all the other people, that’s why I married him.

10. Women: If their personalities where the same, which would you chose: a top 5% looks but 50% income or a top 5% income but 50% looks.
The income. Have you any idea how much teeth and babies cost?

11. Men: Two 7s (separately) or one 10?
I’m a girl but I’d have my hands full with just one 10.

12. Would you eat a live grasshopper for $1000 cash?
Yes. I hope it’s crunchy and dry chewy at the same time.

13. Would you vote my way in an election if it opposed your way, if I gave you $1? If, no, $5? $20? $50? How much?
1M up front in cash sounds good.

14. Would you not vote even though you wanted to , if I gave you $1? If, no, $5? $20? $50? How much?
1M up front in cash sounds good.

Bellatrix's avatar

@elbanditoroso I don’t think all of those questions particularly drew on ethics or morals and not all of them required an irrational response. I certainly don’t get where those who answered yes to any of those questions is spineless?

For instance, there are treatments for colds and at this point I am going to get them anyway so I will grab the 20k thanks.

Similarly, manage your weight for all time or 1Million. Health is more valuable than the money. If you are healthy, you will be able to earn that 1Million. If you are not, you may not get to live long enough to enjoy the money.

Being in the top 5% in terms of income would give me the flexibility to do much more good than being in the top 5% in terms of looks.

Some of the questions are ethical/moral quandaries but I am quite sure the people who chose to answer can explain their choice in rational terms.

Cruiser's avatar

No. I can get that kind of money by just working hard without sacrificing integrity, body parts or my loved ones dignity.

King_Pariah's avatar

1. No thanks
2. Never having the cold again
3. Does a shemale count as male? Because I have a whole list of those I would sleep with.
4. Nah, I HATE routine.
5. $1M in cash, I take care of my body well enough and enjoy changing my build and mass for whatever I may be doing
6. NO
7. Start Over
8. Lol, I am unemployed thus have no pay (though it looks like I may become a real estate agent in the near future).
9. Not married
10. I’m a guy so pass
11. hmmmmm… coin toss says two 7’s
12. Too easy, I have before now give me my $1,000!
13. If it opposed my beliefs completely? I may be a scumbag but you can’t buy my vote.
14. I’m not registered to vote anyway. :P

Seaofclouds's avatar

1. Nope.
2. I’ll take the $20K, colds don’t bother me much.
3. Nope.
4. Nope.
5. Eat whatever I want and maintain whatever weight I desire effortlessly.
6. Nope.
7. Neither. I’ll take whatever live gives me on this one. I definitely don’t want to redo my past. I’m where I am now because of it and I’d hate to alter anything!
8. Nope. If something came up and I was unhappy with my current position, I’d look for another one. As the bread winner for our family, a 10% pay cut could be an issue for us.
9. Nope.
10. Income doesn’t matter to me (considering I’m the breadwinner) and I’m attracted to more than my husband’s looks, so this one really doesn’t mean anything to me.
11. N/A
12. Nope.
13. Nope. If your vote opposes mine, you couldn’t pay me enough to vote your way.
14. Nope. Not giving up my vote for any amount of money either.

augustlan's avatar

I agree with @Bellatrix, not all of these questions are moral or ethical quandaries. Why would opting to be cold-free for the rest of your life be an ethical or moral issue? As for myself, I can handle a cold, so I’ll take the money.

Even those that are moral/ethical issues for some aren’t for others. For instance, the ‘married/you or spouse having sex’ with someone else questions… I happen to believe if both spouses are ok with that, there’s nothing immoral or unethical about it. Hence my answers to those questions.

Berserker's avatar

1. Would you have one half inch of your pinkie surgically removed for $1M cash?
Besides fingering myself up the ass, what else am I gonna use it for, anyway? While typing this right now, both are just kinda sticking up in the air, not doing anything constructive. Fuck those fuckers! Gimme some money!

2. What would rather have: $20K cash or guarantee of never having the common cold the rest of your life?
I like having colds. Just lying around, watching movies and puking. Fuckin excellent! And if I had that money, who cares about missing work!

3. Would you, as a heterosexual, have full sex with a person of the same sex for $1M?
Being that I’m bi, that wouldn’t be a problem haha. Never actually had sex with a woman before, but I know what I like. I’ll have the good time AND the money, thanks. :)

4. Would you spend two months in general population San Quentin prison (if a man, or a women’s prison if a woman) for $1M cash?
Fuck no. Even if it was an experiment, or that my safety would be guaranteed, I’d rather not. I’m fragile. Lawlz.

5. Which would you choose: Eat whatever you want and maintain whatever weight you desire effortlessly, or $1M cash?
Well, the first option doesn’t really exist. In that area, there’s always work to do and shit to watch out for. Unless you got a magic pill, which you don’t. So fuck it. I’ll take the money, and then help MacDick’s kill a buncha trees.

6. Would you let your spouse have protected sex with another anonymous (not unattractive) person who will never be seen again for $1M cash?
That reminds me of an episode of Married with Children. In a case like that, the answer would not be mine alone.

7. Which would you rather have, start over from ten years ago (if you’re 30 and will die at 80, you go back to 20 and still die at 80), or add ten years to your life (you’re 30 but you live to 90)?
If I did go back it might be to rectify passed mistakes…but who knows what that will engender. The hell with it. I ain’t fucking with time and its fabric. What if I end up in Tartarus, man?!

8. Would you take a 10% cut in pay today to guarantee you’ll never been unemployed on your terms.
Meh. I’d agree to that, if it meant I never had to work again haha.

9. For those married: If you could have sex with anyone in the world other than your spouse, and there is 100% guarantee no one would find out about it and no one would be physically or psychologically hurt, would you do it?
Ain’t married, but that doesn’t have to apply, really. I don’t think I would, not if I truly loved the person I’m with. And I don’t end up with people if I’m really not sure I love them. I have had one serious relationship in my life, and I would never have wanted to do that then, so no. That’s not a moral thing though, just how I feel. [/bullshit corndog]

10. Women: If their personalities where the same, which would you chose: a top 5% looks but 50% income or a top 5% income but 50% looks.
I’ll take the guy with the good heart, thanks.

11. Men: Two 7s (separately) or one 10?

12. Would you eat a live grasshopper for $1000 cash?
I actually did that for five dollars once. It’s a true story. I did feel a little bad, but insects get eaten all the time so…a thousand bucks.

13. Would you vote my way in an election if it opposed your way, if I gave you $1? If, no, $5? $20? $50? How much?

14. Would you not vote even though you wanted to , if I gave you $1? If, no, $5? $20? $50? How much?

If voting did anything, it wouldn’t be legal. I need some smokes.

I hope whoever I quoted was right…

Bellatrix's avatar

:-) @Symbeline, you give the BEST answer.

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