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xxporkxsodaxx's avatar

Ear Popping?

Asked by xxporkxsodaxx (1403points) May 18th, 2008

I just blew my nose really hard and my eardrum feels like it has to be popped, but the thing is that it won’t. I’ve tried to do that jaw movement and it popped the other one but not my left ear, I just got out of the shower so I guess my ear was kind of wet on the inside-if that helps.

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4 Answers

benseven's avatar

You can ‘equalise’ – also known as the ‘Valsalva maneuver’ – I can’t remember who first told me this but if you hold your nose, and sort of blow (but not blow, just brace your cheeks) to move air from your mouth into your nose, it should balance out the pressure in your ears… hope that makes sense!

See Ear equalisation

msdduck's avatar

What about chewing gum?

shilolo's avatar

Benseven is right about the need to “equalize” your ears by opening your Eustachian tube. You can read more about it on a variety of Ear, Nose, Throat websites, or in lay terms, scuba diving sites. The last site also give more techniques than just the Valsalva maneuver, so if that doesn’t work, you can try others. Good luck.

hearkat's avatar

However, if the pressure occurred from blowing your nose, ValSalva could make it worse. Try drinking some warm herbal tea to see if swallowing helps. The heat and steam can contribute to opening up the Eustacian tube and relieving pressure.

If it doesn’t go away and you start to feel pain, dizziness, fever, or significant hearing loss, go to the Doctor. I am an Audiologist (hearing and balance specialist), feel free to ask any follow-up questions :-)

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