Meta Question

rebbel's avatar

Tomorrow, at daybreak, you'll find out that Fluther is no longer...., what will you do?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) December 27th, 2011

Of course it is not really going to happen, but what if?
How would you react?
What will your actions be? Got any (expected) withdrawal symptons?
Will you contact Fellies to search for comfort and/or explanation?
Start a Facebook page to petition for Fluther’s return?

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30 Answers

Bellatrix's avatar

I would be really sad! My husband would possibly not be :D

I would get more work done! Fluther is terribly addictive and while I like the time I spend here I could be a lot more productive if I wasn’t here. At least I wouldn’t need to net nanny myself from then on!

I would miss all the lovely people though. I could still talk to some of them on FB though.

jonsblond's avatar

It would certainly help me reach my goal of spending less time on the computer. It’s a New Year’s resolution of mine for the coming year. Life goes on.

I still have some friends at Facebook. I’d be fine.

Sunny2's avatar

I would try to carry on, stiff upper lip and all that. It would be like a favorite anything becoming unavailable, sad, disappointing, and part of my reality, gone. I’d mourn.

Charles's avatar

I would look for other internet forums which have a wide variety of topics and have easy to use interfaces. Some other forums are DSL Reports, City-Data, Topix, OffTopic, and Backpage. Also, newspapers have posting services kind of like forums but many now require a facebook [spits – to cleanse the mouth] membership.

Blackberry's avatar

Start playing video games again.

Paradox25's avatar

This wouldn’t affect how much time I spend offline but I am a member of other sites so I would just have more time to post on them. I post on different sites for different reasons so this would kind of suck since I consider fluther to be one of the better ones.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Find something else to do.
I’m in touch with a lot of jellies on Facebook, so that would make it pretty painless. I don’t know what the heck I would do the next time I have a question that Google can’t answer, though. Yikes.

lloydbird's avatar

Invent a site called phluther and scoop up the refugees.

zenvelo's avatar

I’d be disappointed, but I’d go back to what I was doing before I joined.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’d get email addresses or Facebook pages from anyone that I wanted to keep in contact with. I’d survive as long as I could still keep in touch with my favorite jellies.

augustlan's avatar

I’d still be in touch with lots of jellies via Facebook, but I would miss Fluther terribly. I’m pretty sure I’d cry.

Also, I’d be unemployed, which would suck.

AstroChuck's avatar

Take a shower, get dressed, and go to work.

linguaphile's avatar

I’d stalk Auggie until she found a way to reinstate Fluther ;D

Really, I’d be very, very upset and would try to get in touch with friends I made here.

Berserker's avatar

Go back to sleep lol.

jazmina88's avatar

I’d look for lurve in all the wrong places…just like the song. :(

Berserker's avatar

@jazmina88 Well until that happens, you’ll find me in all the wrong places. Happy not so depressing larvae!

augustlan's avatar

@linguaphile I’d be trying everything I could think of to get it back. :)

ZEPHYRA's avatar

I would create a Fluther support group.

erichw1504's avatar

I’d make Fluther 2.0. I you build it, they will come.

blueiiznh's avatar

WOW, it is still here. :D

Moegitto's avatar

I would use Yahoo! answers :|

Lightlyseared's avatar

Get back on with my life… its been neglected for a bit.

Moegitto's avatar

Only one more year till we see if fluther or ANYTHING exist anymore…2012 BABY!

Berserker's avatar

@Moegitto 2012 is prolly just gonna take it up the ass like Y2K.

Moegitto's avatar

@Symbeline I know, I’m just still astonished at the amount of Netflix films with “scientist” saying how it will happen. I actually made a joke about a week ago how during the Y2K scare, I couldn’t find any good canned ravioli or NON maple flavored pop tarts for like 4 months after. Y2K was nothing, try calming down a inner city high school without any ravioli or strawberry pop tarts. This year I’m starting early, around summer time. Fluther and ravioli!!!!

Berserker's avatar

Ravioli? Fuck yeah. :)

TheIntern55's avatar

FLUTHER’S DISSAPEARING?!?! This is bad! We need to prepare in case something like this does happen!
I got it! We make an ark! Now who’s got a forest that we could use for wood?

tinyfaery's avatar

I’d be okay about it. Everyone that I love here will still be my facebook friends. I hope.

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