Social Question

Brian1946's avatar

How much of your personal information do you have displayed, or have you divulged on the internet?

Asked by Brian1946 (32775points) December 28th, 2011

E.g., I noticed that one jelly has his forename, surname, residential community, and picture on his public Facebook profile.

On the other hand, I know another person whose Fb handle shows a forename that she doesn’t use otherwise, her surname, a picture of one of her cats, and nothing else.

One of my cousins has her home phone number listed with her name on Google.

Have you had any unpleasant experiences that resulted from having revealed too much personal info online?

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20 Answers

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Pretty much all of it. I’m not good at discretion. Luckily, despite having been online since I was like 12… none of it has come back to bite me in the ass. (Yet.)

I’m trying to learn to be more private.

YARNLADY's avatar

Way too much. One mentally ill stalker tracked me down and made various threats against me and a number of other people. She was convicted of stalking and felony threats and spent several years in a mental facility. She took up where she left off when released. My lawyer is handling the case.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Google can find me a million different ways. Just not through Fluther.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Leans over, bites Anef in the ass.

Brian1946's avatar

I tried to bite Nef’s ass, but he kicked me in the groin. ;-0

fizzbanger's avatar

Stalking is way too easy. My friend has a blog that she tries to keep anonymous. I showed her how a clue from a parking lot sign in a photo she posted allowed me to figure out where she works, and ultimately find her last name, address, and phone number in a directory. It scared the crap out of her.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Brian1946 You need a gender ID course. No wonder you got kicked.

Bellatrix's avatar

Given the stuff I say here, I am sure people could find me if they were that interested. I prefer to remain anonymous though. I haven’t had any unpleasant experiences but I don’t want any either.

AshlynM's avatar

I never post any personal information about myself online except maybe my first name and city. I don’t have any identifying info about myself on facebook, Google or fluther. The less the better.

Brian1946's avatar


You’re right- the donkey that kicked me might be female. ;-)

AshLeigh's avatar

People on Fluther know my first name, my age, and the state I live in.
I don’t openly tell everyone which part of Alaska I live in. You lovely people do not know my last name, unless you stalk my Facebook.
I also have my school listed, but I doubt any of you will fly to Alaska, look up where my school is, get lost trying to find it, and then finally find it. Then kill me, and bury me in the woods.
Good luck digging a grave, guys. The ground is frozen. ;)
I have armed body guards.
And I’m a boxer. Good luck. :D

jonsblond's avatar

I have my name and city I live in on my Facebook account. I try to limit the people I add from Fluther to people I feel I can trust. I guess you never know though. This is why I removed myself from the various Fluther groups on Facebook. We’re pretty hard to find though if someone was going to actually search for me or my husband. It took FedEx two days to figure out which house was ours. It’s a bitch trying to get services out here. No one can find us.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

I display absolutely nothing on my Facebook account. If a friend wants to talk to me, they can message me.

My Linkedin account has my professional experiences.

My Fluther account holds my secrets, and I trust Fluther way too much.

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Well, considering that my credit card, address, phone, gender have all been typed into the cloud multiple times for common everyday retail experiences, then most, if not all of my info has become a part of the collective knowledge base.

But what you can’t see is the wads of cash under my mattress… oh, forget i said that.

Bellatrix's avatar

Hmmmm wads of cash under the mattress…. After my grandmother died (I was only about 9), I told my dad I thought my nan kept money hidden in her furniture. My dad was like “I bloody hope not we gave all the furniture to the goodwill”. Now we will never know.

rts486's avatar

I don’t put anything out there.

comity's avatar

I talk too much and get personal on this site, you’re my couch psychiatrists : ) But, mportant info isn’t out there except for ordering on Amazon and such. Also, I can’t picture seniors on social security being stalked. I’m sure there’s better catch out there ; )

bluejay's avatar

The most information I’ve shared on the internet is my real email address to one person. Nothing bad came of it, and I don’t even have my real info on my email, so the worst that could have happened was spam or a virus sent to me. I like to keep my info secret. Heck anyone who looked at my profile before I updated knows that I won’t even share my age or gender!

comity's avatar

@bluejay You mean you’re not a wolf? : )

bluejay's avatar

Maybe I am, or maybe I’m not. :p

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