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JLeslie's avatar

What is the best thing you ever won? Or, someone close to you?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) December 30th, 2011

Last week I was there when a member of our Porsche club was told a lie to get him to a restaurant for a club meeting, that in actuality wound up being a surprise event to inform him he won a brand new Porsche 911 GTS and $25K in a raffle! He had won a BMW a few years before.

One of my husband’s cousins once won an Audi.

I remember as a teenager winning $25 on a scratch off.

I also have left Atlantic City with small winnings when a teenager. I think the most was $60.

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23 Answers

rebbel's avatar

A discman.
An umbrella.
Five hundred ninety dollar (twenty years ago, with nine colleagues).

Facade's avatar

My SO won a gift card to Amazon’s website, and we bought a vaporizer with it. It’s fantastic.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Umm. I don’t remember ever winning anything substantial or interesting. I do not gamble, I don’t care for raffles, I rarely enter contests… so my odds are not very good to begin with.
I’ve won a few awards. I doubt you’re counting that, though.
On the other hand, back in my days as a lotto wench/slot payout cashier.. I sold a scratch off ticket that hit for 10,000. I also sold a Mega Millions ticket that hit for half a million bucks.

JLeslie's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf Did the winners give you a tip for selling them a winning ticket?

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@JLeslie you know, no. I was regularly tipped by winners, and we were permitted to accept tips, but neither of those people tipped me. Not that I minded, of course, it isn’t as if they are obligated to tip… but the scratch off guy insisted that I choose his ticket that day, and made a big to-do about it. I didn’t feel lucky enough to gamble my own money, but I did feel pretty darn lucky that day for choosing such a big winner. lol.

Dutchess_III's avatar

A Free Ticket.

linguaphile's avatar

Best thing I’ve won… a multi-university writing contest in college.

I coach cheerleading and won two annual championships. The next tournament coming up in February.

I have never won any raffles, drawings, door prizes, etc.

Dutchess_III's avatar

A friend of my son’s won $10,000 on a $2 scratch ticket. : )

blueiiznh's avatar

In HS, first prize on an electronics project submitted at a State Fair.
1968 Gibson Flying V Electric

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

$425 on a daily three lotto ticket.

Sunny2's avatar

I won a $200 necklace, my choice of the artist’s work. Unfortunately, I didn’t care for her work. I chose the one I liked best, but I’ve never worn it.

Luiveton's avatar

5 nobel prizes.

gondwanalon's avatar

I won a ticket to anywhere South West Airlines flies for two. That was cool.

smilingheart1's avatar

The hearts of a couple real good guys over the course of my lifetime!

Tbag's avatar

All my life I’ve been scratching shit hoping to win something, anything… Nothing yet. I guess I’m that unlucky bastard.
I think I did win when I got to meet the one whom my heart fell for!

LuckyGuy's avatar

My mother won a 1967 Plymouth Barracuda in Mobil’s Car-A -Day Sweepstakes. She dies a long time ago but her congratulatory letter from Mobil still survives in a safe. Awesome!

augustlan's avatar

I won $500 from a radio contest. And a monthly writing contest at Real Simple magazine.

Jeruba's avatar

A poster-size hand-painted (Japanese-style, with ink brush) portrait of Bodhidharma. It looks a lot like this. I won it more than ten years ago at a fund-raiser for a zendo, and it has hung in my living room ever since.

I think the second-best thing was not what I got but what I got it for. The gal on the boardwalk was paid to guess ages within 5 years and not to give away stuffed toys, but she gave one to me, only after scowling at my driver’s license. She said 38. I was 50.

Oh. I did win a full scholarship to college. But that seems different somehow. I didn’t think of that as “winning” even though I guess maybe it was.

Berserker's avatar

Years ago I won two tickets from the radio, to go see the premier viewing of Halloween H2O.
I went with my dad, and there was just a few people there, so that was awesome. Maybe not the best Halloween movie, but I personally like it fine. My dad thought it was retarded, but he still had a good time too. :)

Also I won a piece of cake in grade four. That was fuckin EPIC.

downtide's avatar

When I was a teenager I entered a radio station phone in contest, I had to answer a question on the air. I got it right and won a big stack of assorted singles (back in the days of vinyl records).

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Symbeline Hate to break it to you, but your dad is right. ALL the Halloween movies are retarded! What does ‘Halloween H2O’ even MEAN?! :)

Berserker's avatar

It means twenty years later, as that movie happens 20 years after the first two. (which all happens in the first night, so it’s like one big movie) H20…Halloween, twenty…it isn’t water. XD It also disregards all the movies that came after number two, but the whole series keeps tripping on itself, and cannot decide where to go. Number six also ignores four and five. And three has nothing to do with Michael Myers, although one element (druid powers) is left intact.

Yeah I know a lot of people don’t like it, but I don’t care, and nothing is broken to me. :) How the whole series is all messed up and can’t respect its own mythos is one thing I find really interesting, too.

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