Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

In your opinion, what is the WORST company to try to do business with online?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) December 30th, 2011

For me~ AT&T. Hands down. They’re constantly changing their web site. They send you around in circles when all you want to do is pay your bill. They have all this shit on there, all these specials and all these offers and all I want to do is pay my bill. And it’s next to impossible to find where to do it because they keep changing it! And when you do find it they want you to log on to some place else….and then you STILL can’t find where to pay the bill.

Woe unto you if you call them on the phone. No one on the other speaks English.

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9 Answers

Michael_Huntington's avatar

Ocean marketing

Lightlyseared's avatar

@Michael_Huntington well at least it was up until PA got involved. 24 hours later they don’t exist.

marinelife's avatar

Verizon is the worst in my opinion.

blueiiznh's avatar

Most local government or State web sites are pretty poorly done.

I don’t deal with AT&T or Verizon, but Comcast is no prize.

jrpowell's avatar

GoDaddy is really bad. Confusing as hell and they try to upsell you crap so often it interferes with actually being able to use the stuff you already paid for.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Interesting that the majority of the answers involve….COMMUNICATIONS BUSINESSES!!! Sheesh.

Blackberry's avatar

freerussianwives .com. Total scam.

CWOTUS's avatar

In line with your question, some of the posts here and your most recent observation, my worst is Comcast.

It has gotten so bad with them that I wait until they send me a “Final Disconnect Notice” (every other month) and then pay over the phone on their automated system with a credit card. (Their website doesn’t recognize my phone number – and THEY have my land line phone service! – so I can’t sign in that way. Annoying as hell.)

2davidc8's avatar

Norton, the antivirus folks. I challenge you to figure out how to get an online chat session going with them. The couple of times I’ve tried it, it took me at least 15 minutes to get to the right web page, and then I got put on hold. They sure don’t make it easy.

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