Meta Question

Bellatrix's avatar

Can we have a running 'Happy New Year' in chat?

Asked by Bellatrix (21320points) December 30th, 2011

I was just thinking, we are all around the world so how about as we each hit the New Year and after saying HNY to all those we love in person (just to be fair to those people in our real lives), how about we log into chat and say Happy New Year here? I just think it would be fun to watch the New Year unfold in a chat dialogue. Don’t think we have anyone in Samoa, which is now the first country to celebrate the New Year, so the Kiwi jellies would have to be first. Do we have any Kiwi jellies in New Zealand?

Perhaps if you know people are in different countries, you can send them this question? Even if they are out, they might have Fluther on their phone and be able to join in.

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16 Answers

rebbel's avatar

I’ll be there.
Twelve hours after Tuvalu, and six hours before New York.

Dog's avatar

:D I will drop by when I can!

Dog's avatar

Oh hey…. I just set up a Rockin’ Party Room!
(Working on a free bar and catered buffet complete with jellyfish ice sculpture!)

Anyone want to help blow up balloons?

blueiiznh's avatar

Good idea. Much better than waiting to see if Dick Clark is still alive.

Dog's avatar

@blueiiznh We should see if we can get him to emcee our chat party! ~

blueiiznh's avatar

@Dog I will give Ryan S a call to see what can be done.

Dog's avatar

Awesome! (Sorry Gail- It slipped out, I swear!)

This party is shaping up! Now for some entertainment… It is a damn shame Mitch Hedburg passed. He would have been down for it!

Bellatrix's avatar

Thank you @Dog! I will bring some prawns and Moreton Bay Bugs

Berserker's avatar

Lol sure, I’ll do it, if I’m not busy, which I probably won’t be. That will happen tomorrow night, eleven hours from now.

linguaphile's avatar

If I don’t go anywhere, I’ll be there!! I was invited to a small gathering but will see what mood I am in after a long day of plans tomorrow.

Sunny2's avatar

I’ll be there. It’ll be the first time I’ve ever been in a chat room.

augustlan's avatar

Be there or be square. :)

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

What a good idea. :)

TheIntern55's avatar

I won’t be there, but I left an early happy New Year’s.

comity's avatar

I’m taking a hiatus for awhile so I won’t be there. Enjoy!

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