Meta Question

Bellatrix's avatar

Are you still getting "Questions for You"?

Asked by Bellatrix (21320points) December 31st, 2011

I haven’t had any for the last couple of days or so.

Just wondering if everyone is having this issue?

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38 Answers

Sunny2's avatar

I haven’t had any either. I thought it was because I refused so many. (My tendency to take the blame.)

PhiNotPi's avatar

Mine says “18 new”, but they aren’t new.

Bellatrix's avatar

I haven’t had any for a couple of days and usually have quite a few. So, it definitely isn’t you @Sunny2. Perhaps it has something to do with the server upgrade?

linguaphile's avatar

Same here- I had wondered what happened. Must be a system glitch?

marinelife's avatar

No, I haven’t for a couple of days. I reported it to Augie who has said she will pass it on to the techies.

SavoirFaire's avatar

I have over one hundred questions waiting, so it’s hard for me to tell which are new or not. I should have gotten this one based on my topics, however, and I didn’t. That suggests that I am not getting them.

MilkyWay's avatar

None for me as well :(

tedibear's avatar

Me either. I was wondering if Fluther was just quiet for the new year.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, none here either, and my profile is missing.
Have I been randomly suspended? lol
Random mysteries abound.

Berserker's avatar

Mine are at one thousand, and I haven’t looked at it for ever, so I denno, since 1000 seems to be the cap out. Imma go look at a few, then see if some pile up again.

Berserker's avatar

Erm…I looked at some, then checked in my questions, and it still says 1000. (even though the questions I looked at are now gone) The hell?

Bellatrix's avatar

Question fairies? Did you put out little notebooks and pencils for them? :-)

Berserker's avatar

Oh crap…I didn’t. I think I went and got my foo self cursed. XD

augustlan's avatar

Nope. It’s broken. :’(
I did let the guys know, so I’m hopeful it will be fixed soon.

KateTheGreat's avatar

This place is fallin’ apart. It’s a sign of the impending apocalypse!~

augustlan's avatar

I sense zombies. RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!

Berserker's avatar

@KateTheGreat Shit. I wonder if Mayans held one another’s hair, when they discovered this.

@augustlan Shit. Where?! Lemme at those mothers. Oh wait I sense them too…’‘sprints off in some random direction’’

zenvelo's avatar

Whew! I thought I’d pissed off the fluther core….

OpryLeigh's avatar

I had some yesterday but none today :(

Bellatrix's avatar

Thank you everyone. I guess it is a glitch or… the apocalypse. I am going to hope for a glitch.

Judi's avatar

I came to the meta section to find out if anyone else had asked this question. I’m glad I’m not alone.

Ayesha's avatar

I’m getting new ones.

Coloma's avatar

My profiles back from from wherever it was, but, no new questions, yet.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Is it weird that I don’t know?
My routine when I open up Fluther: Check PMs, mark all QFY as “not interested,” then read the threads I’m following. It’s such a habit to keep all of my little inboxes empty that I don’t even know if there was something in there in the first place.

wundayatta's avatar

This has happened before. I guess none of us are alone. No new questions in the queue. You can tell who cleans out their question queues, because that’s who has no new questions now. We will have to sort through the new question queues on our own, now.

I hope it’s not a Y2K kind of thing.

wundayatta's avatar

Oh it is. It is. I saw on the other question that we are migrating to a new server. The sofware is starting up and the caches have been empty. Must have screwed up the new question queue somehow. I expect it will be fixed in due time.

AmWiser's avatar

Well, well, well, the first glitch of the new year. I hope it isn’t a sign of things to come. Happy New Year to all.:-}

Dutchess_III's avatar

472 and holding. I’m not missing anything.

linguaphile's avatar

Too quiet here… Hello! Hello!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Hey hey! Just go to the “social” button and find questions, you guys!

HungryGuy's avatar

I haven’t noticed it until now. But you’re right. I’m not getting any new “questions for you.”

Lightlyseared's avatar

No idea. My “Questions for you” has been 1000 for about 2 years now so I have no clue if new ones are being addded or not.

augustlan's avatar

It’s working again! Thanks, Andrew and Ben. :D

Bellatrix's avatar

Thank you Andrew and Ben.

Coloma's avatar

Yay! Thanks!

marinelife's avatar

Thanks a bunch. I was going squirrely having to troll for my own questions!

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