General Question

occ's avatar

Where do craft feathers come from?

Asked by occ (4182points) December 31st, 2011 from iPhone

I’m wondering about the kind of cheap feathers you buy in a package at a crafts store. They look real, not synthetic. What kind of birds are they from? And do they kill or hurt the birds to get them? Are there cruelty free feathers?

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6 Answers

DaphneT's avatar

Generally the craft feathers are from chickens. The likelihood is that the feathers are from when the chickens are butchered for the stores. Cruelty free feathers could be collected as chickens do shed. This would be labor intensive so more expensive. Other craft feathers are from turkeys, peacocks and ostriches, usually declared on the packages.

JoeyOhSoClever's avatar

Right, the feathers do generally come from chickens. There are online websites that claim to have cruelty-free feathers, but I personally believe some of them are lying.

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AstroChuck's avatar

Mostly turkey feathers, I believe.

Sunny2's avatar

Fly tying feathers are not all chicken feathers. Perhaps someone, who has tied flies more recently than I have, can tell us more.

cazzie's avatar

I had a client I worked for that was a wholesale fishing supply warehouse.. wait, they probably are online now….

There you go.

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