Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

If you had just one or two things to mark a decade in your life, what would they be?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) January 1st, 2012

70’s….Going from a child to becoming a grown woman.

80’s….getting married, having babies.

90’s….Single mother, struggling for survival.

2000’s…changes, major life changes, one after the other. Owning my own business, launching my own children out into the wild, wild world of grown ups. Birth of grandkids.

2010’s…to be determined. I pray that this will be the decade I finally become financially stable, and bigger dreams start coming true!

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20 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

The 1980s – fleeing Azerbaijan.
The 1990s – moving to the U.S.
The 2000s – 2 marriages, 2 babies, 2 degrees.
The 2010s – PhD, another baby (hopefully).

zenvelo's avatar

60’s – being a kid
70’s – UC Santa Barbara (I was there 7 years)
80’s – being on my own and getting sober
90’s – Married with babies
00’s – dissolving marriage and separation, change at work
10’s – starting over

Dutchess_III's avatar

WHERE IS EVERYBODY???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

zenvelo's avatar

@Dutchess_III While the “Question for You” is broken, everyone thinks they’re all caught up.

linguaphile's avatar

70’s – being a kid in Alabama
80’s – being a preteen to teenager in Florida
90’s – moved back to Alabama, had my son, college in DC, graduated, moved to Montana, got married
00’s – teaching, working, had my daughter. moved to AZ, SD, MN
10’s – so far, divorced, hopefully moving on to new adventures

cookieman's avatar

1970s: childhood, innocence
1980s: teen years, finding me
1990s: college, good friends, marriage, homeowner, travel
2000s: good money, more travel, became a father
2010s: less money, new career path—so far

Dutchess_III's avatar

@zenvelo Oh. Well, I don’t ever use that feature.

jazmina88's avatar

60s – loss (family)
70s – high school, disco
80s – teach music
90s – customer service
05 – Bought my home
10 living on faith

judochop's avatar

70’s: Learning English and basic to advanced motor skills.
80’s: Discovering music and girls.
90’s: College and war.
2000s: Birth of daughter and divorce.
2010s: Learning to live with less.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

1970s: traveling the US with hippie parents, the best years with my grandparents.
1980s: teen years, early independence, feeling safety in taking care of myself.
1990s: college, marriage, own business, divorce.
2000s: rebuilding sense of self, finding direction for future, starting over.
2010s: Working my ass, finding unexpected great love & marriage.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Working your ass @Neizvestnaya? You a call girl now?!

cookieman's avatar

Is it me, or do many of us seem to be about the same age (based on these breakdowns)?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, I’d say we were all born in the 20th century, anyway! There’s actually quite a spread here. Like, @judochop was indicating that he was a baby in the 70’s, while others are saying that’s when they started having babies!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@Dutchess_III: oops! I’ve got a new mini laptop I’m working off of and well, it’s little! working my ass off.

@cprevite: I think there are several of us born in the 60’s.

Bart19's avatar

1990s Born and growing up.
2000’s Graduated from High School, first relationship.
2010’s so far I’ve dealt with loss, emigration, got married and I’m now attending university.

It can only get better from here!

digitalimpression's avatar

70’s – I don’t remember
80’s – Camping, Hiking, Joe Montana
90’s – High school, Being a social recluse
2000’s – Traveling the world
2010’s – Still traveling the world.

Bellatrix's avatar

60s – Childhood. Losing mother.
70s – Feeling lost. Becoming independent.
80s – Married. Emigration. Own Business. Children.
90s – Child. Study. Divorce. Single-parenthood.
2000s – More study. Second-marriage.
2010 – Continuing work-in-progress.

Adagio's avatar

1960s a happy childhood
1970s a tumultuous teenage; leaving home & the city of my birth
1980s marriage; birth of my daughter; separation and divorce
1990s life-changing medical diagnosis; life-changing relationship
2000s tertiary study; further life-changing medical issues; adjusting to altered state of independence
And life continues…

tranquilsea's avatar

70s – feeling lost
80s – found safety at school and excelled until trauma #2
90s – found safety at work and excelled until trauma #3, married, had 3 kids and then crashed and the started making the long road to recovery.
00s – kept improving, mother died and I found I was strong enough to deal with it.
10s – feel like I’ve lived 3 lives but I am enjoying this stage in my life more than any of my other stages.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I feel like I’ve been 3 or 4 different people in my life too, @tranquilsea.

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