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Retrieving an instrumental from an mp3/Audio help?
I’ve been planning on making a song for quite some time now, and have decided on using the instrumental for Snow Patrol’s How to be Dead. I love the vocals, too, but not the lyrics. So I am hoping to set out on a WONDERFUL journey to discover how to make a song out of the instrumentals of this video, while inserting my own lyrics/vocals.
Now they sell the “karaoke” version of this song on Amazon and Itunes, and I can buy both of these versions no problem. It’s only a buck for the mp3.
My real question arises in the series of procedures following this. What program should I use (Linux user here) to record my song, and what program can I use to extend the instrumental verses of the song?
Basically, easiest way to make a song? Any/all help.
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