Oh boy.
I’m deaf, which means I started being rejected one way or another since the day I became deaf at age 3. I was also gifted, so that didn’t do me any favors with my peers. I also had ADHD, so that didn’t make me a favorite with teachers. I was put in regular schools and everyone knows just how much fun being a friendly odd duck in school is. Then throw in a high-strung, strong-willed, inquisitive and intense personality… I’m sure it was disconcerting but thank God for that personality or I’d be a quivering blob of goo.
I was also abused in one way or another on and off, starting at age 4 until I separated last year. My dad blanket-disowned his maternal side of his family, including me when I was 7. I had, up until then, been ‘daddy’s girl.’ Before that happened, his wife slapped, pinched and burned me when I was “bad.” We reconciled when I was 17 and 25, but he disowned me again both times because I wasn’t acceptable. By the time I was 13, I had serious anxiety issues with being perfect so that I would no longer be undesirable.
On 4 separate times in my life I have been fully ostracized by a community, each for different reasons. I was once almost run down by a car because I was “unworthy to live.” Somehow, I always had a little voice in me saying keep going and never, ever wanted pity (hiss!).
All that made for a person who was able to tolerate anything from others and who would give-give-give and when empty, would find ways to keep on giving. I learned to be diplomatic, obedient, to think of and put others first, and was incredibly adept at reading environments to survive and, looking back, somehow I was unbelievably resilient and tenable. Only at the very end did I lose my optimism and faith in others. I never wanted to be wrong and that goal is what kept me in the bad marriage for so long. I guess, one day about a year and half ago, I simply had enough of this bullshit.
Fast forward to now. I have worked through PTSD, rejection and abandonment issues, different forms of abuse, etc, etc… worked through what happened to create me, and I like who I am. I finally got to where I know how capable I am of liking myself, no matter what others think of me and am not dependent on others for approval, not even from my father who I’ve carefully reconciled with. I love approval, of course, just don’t go into a tailspin if I don’t get it. I only got that in the past year, really. There are things I still need to work on, some trust and self-perception issues, but it’s going to come from me, not from depending on others for approval. I realized how much rejection I had survived and, dang, I’m still on this side of the grass. I’m a stronger person for it and for whatever reason, I’m more optimistic than I should logically be and teach this to my kids everyday. And again… still don’t want no frickin’ pity or I will hiss. And I’m still a nice person!
One day recently, I finally understood what a “steel magnolia” really was.