Blackbirds death revisited. Does the fireworks explanation make sense?
This question was asked a year ago and again this year, on the same day, in the same Arkansas town, the same species of bird died.
We have these redwings all summer long in my area (possibly quite literally the same flocks that migrate to Arkansas for the winter) and they have never fallen out of the sky on July 4th.
Somehow, I’m not buying the fireworks confusion but if it is a valid explanation, is there a reason the birds would be susceptible to “being scared to death” on New Year’s Eve and not during the summer?
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10 Answers
I think they just happened to fly into the midst of an Alien space ray that was originally designed to produce a crop circle formation.
@Earthgirl I have a very aggressive redwing that takes up summer residence in my backyard and attacks my dogs and anybody passing by. He’s absolutely hilarious (I call him Attila) and I was so relieved to see him return last summer. I suppose he is too smart to winter in Arkansas, perhaps he prefers San Francisco?
Blueroses Lol, who wouldn’t prefer San Francisco??
That is one funny video @Earthgirl. That black bird terrorist is batshit crazy, and one net scoop away from my dinner table.
I think the Patriot Act should now include American Black Birds on their list. From now on, all Black Birds should be required to carry I.D. and the U.S. Gov Secret Ops should be able to tap their emails and phone calls without warrant. This is a matter of national security.
RealEyesRealizeRealLies That’s right. For all we know those fireworks at the roost were a covert government action by the FBI. Now if only the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms got in the act…those damn blackbirds wouldn’t have a chance!
I don’t think the fireworks had anything to do with the death of the blackbirds. I think it has to do with the pollution in our air & in our water. It could also be connected to the gradual shifting of the Earth’s magnetic field. Birds use the magnetic field to guide them in their flight.
I read that they ruled out toxins, poison and pollution. Blackbirds do startle and have been known to act erratically when startled. Add to that the fact that they cannot see well at night and if they do not return to the roost by nightfall they often have accidental collisions with telephone poles and other things. One scientific research lab concluded that the birds had died from blunt force injuries. They specialize in studying causes of large “die-offs”.
But still, that doesn’t explain hundreds of birds just falling out of the sky! Even if they crashed into each other, which apparently happens, at times fatally, it seems odd. Hitting the road would be a blunt force trauma in itself. Who knows if the blunt force occurred beforehand? Arkansas has one of the countries highest concentrations of Red-winged blackbirds. This hasn’t happened until recently.
There are efforts to reduce blackbird populations being made by the by the USDA. Backbirds, especially redwing Blackbirds cause extensive crop depridations every year to rice and sunflower crops. Their populations in certain areas have increased recently.
Quote:“Research continues on developing new and improved DRC-1339 bait formulations and a model to estimate the take of target birds from WS’ blackbird/DRC-1339 baiting program in Louisiana and Texas. This research will assist rice producers looking for new tools and strategies to manage blackbird damage.”
My source here:
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